Summit National

Discussion in 'General' started by All-Supply619, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. Concerned_Party

    Concerned_Party Well-Known Member

    well either that or impound the bike until it can be appropriately torn down. It's a tough call though, because that creates a huge inconvenience for the rider whose bike's legality is in question. I do believe, however, that if a specific rider's bike is protested numerous times by seperate people then that rider should not be allowed the option of being torn down or refusal to tear down and accepting a DQ instead.
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I guess luckily that hasn't happened yet.
  3. Schitzo42

    Schitzo42 dweeb

    Mongo, just curious and hypothetically. In Seth's case where he ran at JGP last weekend and will run at Summit this coming weekend. Could it have happened where a protest or tear down was required, said rider explained the situation with back to back race weekends and his willingness to be torn down to prove to everyone that he is racing legal, but time and money and what not make it prohibitive at that point in time. Could the motor have been sealed before leaving JGP, shown up at Summit and first thing is those seals are checked to make sure nothing has been opened. Racing goes on at Summit and then tear down happens after the Summit race weekend? I know.. Logical, thought provoking stuff like that doesn't happen all that often around here, but it is a thought.. or was a thought I guess since the JGP weekend is already over.

  4. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Viable and has been done. I knew a rider who's bike was suspiciously fast when they ran the "H-D 883 World Championship" at the Daytona ROC. (I think he was actually stupid enough to put 1200 CC jugs on it) The officials came by and marked or sealed the head bolts after the first leg and told him he would be called in for teardown after the second leg. He blew them off and as far as I know, he is still under suspension because they said his suspension would commence as soon as he paid the $300 fine, which he never did. But in reality, how often would a situation like this arise?
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Actually we were talking about that today - basically yes. It could have been sealed or the motor taken and put into the pickup then I could have taken it to Summit and gotten it back to Seth. Granted you're tlkaing about removal and installation time but it is doable. That kind of option is why I wish I was there this past weekend or ahd been called before rash decisions were made.

    I'd be more comfortable with the parts in my possesion during the downtime but I also could seal it well enough to be comfortable with that option as well.
  6. Dutch

    Dutch Token white guy

    I protest Oreo cookies. I protest midget tossing Oreo cookie eating officials too. I further protest super glue.
  7. Stiffy

    Stiffy Active Member

    Well spoken, like a true sportsman. Wake up bro! It is a lot different when you actually have to race for position. If this to prove to Mongo then why the hell did you post for all to read, oh I know, your attitude is that of a stand up guy. Any humble rider would have handled this very quietly so the next time someone said "protest" Sean might have said I have looked into his bike and protest denied but you thought coming on to the board and being this stand up guy that you are, that it would all be better. Come on.. you know damn well that you were gonna catch shit so if you do not want to hear the comments about your attitude well then dont post on a public website. Oh and by the way I know exactly who you are.. I almost wadded up my shit because of you last year....showing your buddy the lines during a WERA race weekend. I forgot though your the only one who matters right... :down:
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  8. Concerned_Party

    Concerned_Party Well-Known Member

    Super glue rocks dude, you're crazy!!!

    Super glue, duck tape, and safety wire are the shit!
  9. WebCrush

    WebCrush Banned

    Yet none of them will hold a footpeg to a rearset--right Lever? :Poke: :D
  10. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    I found it funny that he as a novice, turned a faster lap time than brian stokes in the combined 600 race. i still stand by my guns that he should be moved up regardless of points. a novice championship is hollow im sure the sponsors he has would much rather have a top 3 expert (which is where i believe he would finish on a regular basis) than a runaway winner in novice. and this is in no way a stab at him as a person but dude, if you really think that you are really fooling anyone by volunteering a teardown after the bikes have been in your posession for a week then you are mistaken. why all the sudden volunteer now? i dont give a rats ass about it either way but you know that when you go out and smoke the field by 20-30 seconds, you are in the wrong class!
  11. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    nov·ice Audio pronunciation of "NOVICE" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nvs)

    1. A person new to a field or activity; a beginner.
  12. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    If someone races a 1000cc bike and protests a 600cc bike that they just lost to by 15 seconds, they just want to make sure it was a SS legal 600?? Yea, that makes perfect sense.

    Gimme a friggin break. :down:
  13. Sixx22

    Sixx22 Well-Known Member

    This whole thing is stoopid!! He sucked his first novice year, he's gotten a lot better his SECOND novice year. Nuff said. Let em race.........
  14. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    I protest this logical step.
    We need more drama.
  15. CWN racing

    CWN racing Well-Known Member

    I was in the same boat as Seth last year, when I one the first round everyone was saying all kinds of shit about me being a ccs expert, cheater bike, motor work, slipper clutch, AMA license......I just did my thing and raced, and I won. After 3-4 rounds I saw that it was bullshit even dealing with all the bitches complaining so I asked to go expert and from that point on no one said shit. If your a true novice, then fuck em, let people talk. The only advice I can give to you is make sure every single part on your bike is legit, you have a big bullseye on your back now and the last thing you want is to get protested and caught, you'll never clear your name. The only thing I don't understand is why you didn't tear down your bike when you first got protested? I hope you win this weekend at summit, if not it's going to look like you swapped out motors for the tear down you set up
  16. CWN racing

    CWN racing Well-Known Member

    Buck, you had me rollin at page 4, made no sense, but funny as hell
  17. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    what research if they are all short in length they've been changed if the center two are higher most likely they are stock.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Actually it's the outside two that are higher on one of them. The research is what came stock what years.
  19. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    dyno stationary, race track WFO there is a performance gain.
  20. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    better make sure he keeps he clutch switch intact :D you know, if you disconnect it you lose 10HP


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