Jesus Christ!

Discussion in 'General' started by Luckystrike, Mar 22, 2002.

  1. Luckystrike

    Luckystrike Well-Known Member

    Do you realize that it's 20 freaking degrees out and it's the second day of Spring! What the hell! Poor souls who's heading out to Gateway this weekend. [​IMG]
  2. wera917

    wera917 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If I don't get to ride soon .......
  3. TSC_113

    TSC_113 Look At me!!!

  4. Luckystrike

    Luckystrike Well-Known Member

    Yeah no kidding... I had the worst freaking week so far too. Got my crank back from Kevin Murray. Split the cases on my TZ. Noticed there was a bit of calcium/lime deposits or whatever the hell you call it on the plumbing. I take a big ass bottle of vineger and work at the white crusty deposits. It comes off rather nicely.. then I spill the whole freaking bottle of stank ass vinegar all over my carpeted motorcycle den. The whole house smells like a slob's ass and I can't get the damn smell out. My wife is pissed at me... guests won't come over... and once I get the damn motor back together.. I find that it won't hold 6 psi for any given amount of time. So without thinking I split the cases and reseal it. Now it should be air tight.. right??? WRONG! It's freaking leaking again!!!!!.. Then my wife comes down to the den and tells me to move the spark plugs out of the kitchen. DUH! I've been pressure testing without the spark plug holes being plugged. I felt like a such a freaking prick and wanted to throw the motor through my wall. Anyway.. thats how my week has been going so if I don't get to ride my damn bike soon... I'm gonna hurt myself somehow.
  5. Luckystrike

    Luckystrike Well-Known Member

    Well you live beyond freakyville so your atleast used to crap! :P
  6. Litespeed

    Litespeed Rocket Scientist

    If any of you need to visit Arizona so you can get your riding fix, I have plenty of room at my house. I even have an extra bike if you promise not to crash it [​IMG].
  7. rob600rider

    rob600rider THE MAN

    DUDE.... that really sucks..i feel for ya..
    Now the weather part? theres a simple solution... MOVE TO THE SOUTH!!! i wont mention how warm it was yesterday.. [​IMG]
  8. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    I am the biggest wimp on earth, and I have to pick up my street bike and actually ride it back to my house this weekend. Anyone want to volunteer to do it for me? I'll be waiting for you in front of the nice, warm fire when you get her home. [​IMG]

  9. SClark

    SClark Righteous Indignator!

    I'm sure there's an enclosed trailer somewhere between here and there that can handle that. I'm sure Motor-Killer-Keener will need to go to there sooner than later.
  10. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Keen bean is actually taking it from SW back to Sterling for me, but I've gotta get it from Sterling to my house. BRRRRRRRRR!

  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's not too bad here, just rode the DRZ400 to work so it can get into the trailer for Roebling. Could be a lot worse...
  12. RacerGirl435

    RacerGirl435 Guest

    Where the hell were you when I was there in December? [​IMG]
  13. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    What kind????
    Have to know whether it's worth the trip or not. [​IMG]


    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    Did everyone miss this invitation except me? [​IMG] Almost sounds too good to pass up. [​IMG]

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    BTW, I don't think that Jesus Christ is involved here. It's just cold.
  16. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Somehow I knew *you* would catch that one. [​IMG] I guess everyone else is just sleeping today...

  17. Luckystrike

    Luckystrike Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah Jesus Christ is most definately involved. [​IMG]
  18. GStar

    GStar Dark Helmet

    Actually his dad is to blame, he should have made the world flat, and aimed it perpendicular at the sun then we'd all be warm!! (minus the people on the back) Or... he could of gave us two suns like on Luke Skywalker home planet, what was that called again....
  19. Greg Gabis

    Greg Gabis Slow Traffic




    One of those.

    [This message has been edited by Greg Gabis (edited 03-22-2002).]
  20. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    Ding! One minute to answer...

    I'm not into name calling however [​IMG]

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