Odd-Ball Picture of the Day

Discussion in 'General' started by bitchcakes, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Tice. Fee times a mady.
    Dan Dubeau, 969 and ToofPic like this.
  2. PatricksDad

    PatricksDad Won’t die a blob

  3. chwolfe

    chwolfe Well-Known Member

    And you don't want to offend the local cuntry.
    CBRRRRR999 likes this.
  4. casjoker

    casjoker Refusing middle age

  5. casjoker

    casjoker Refusing middle age

  6. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    Looks like the country gag turned into a Boer.
    CBRRRRR999 likes this.
  7. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

  8. Bugslayer

    Bugslayer Well-Known Member

  9. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Nice!....its the truth with those rounds. Ive built x-ray systems to inspect both the fuse, which is absolutely mechanically astonishing, like a Swiss watch.....all mechanical, and doesn't arm itself until it leaves the barrel based on a specific rotation and velocity, truly amazing, like, 1950's (??) technology.....and theres still nothing better....drop it on its nose while loading and transporting, no problem, except you gotta grab another one, and dont drop this one!

    The round itself is pretty cool too....we built a system for "Excalibur"....google it....it's an advanced derivative of this very successful round.....Excalibur has a rocket on its tail, sprouts wings, and is GPS guided.....its used in friendly fire situations.....it'll fly 43miles and impact within 4 meters of target.....you can call it in from 40 miles away and blow up the house across the street.

    Yes, there are consequences, and I love that its dry.:beer::flag:
  10. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    When it comes to blowing shit up, safely, there’s no better way than the American way. :D
    CharlieY and A. Barrister like this.
  11. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    The proximity fuse was a highly guarded secret during WWII. Imagine an artilliary round with tubes in it. How many G's does an artilliary round take on ignition?
    CharlieY likes this.
  12. OldSchlPunk

    OldSchlPunk Well-Known Member

  13. OldSchlPunk

    OldSchlPunk Well-Known Member

  14. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  15. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  16. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    Dad made another mistake, waited 18 years to tell him :)
    Banditracer and pickled egg like this.
  17. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

  18. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Probably not a lot of cursing going on at his house these days!
    BigBird likes this.
  19. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  20. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Wonder if they switch out who breaks trail ?


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