Lets talk fasting

Discussion in 'General' started by SPL170db, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    I hate you. One of the hardest parts for me trying to eliminate grains is not having my pancakes.
  2. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Hate to break this to you Gino, (and others on diet soda)... just because it says zero calories, doesnt mean your body treats it that way. man made sweeteners may not have a calorie number associated with them (because they are synthetic). But, your body still senses sweet, and treats it the exact same as sugar... stores it as energy, or fat, if not used. you are really better off drinking a fully leaded soda, than a diet one. water, or carbonated water, if you just need the burn of the carbonation from soda. I started drinking the non sweetened, read: zero sweeteners at all, flavored water. it gives me the burn of soda, without any calories, and no sweeteners. keeps me of the Coke. :D

    I do enjoy a day or so, here and there of intermittent fasting, helps me lower, my weight, when "cutting" at an exponential rate. Ski
    Gino230 and Gorilla George like this.
  3. You can't go wrong with meal plans. We use "Eat to Evolve" meal plans. They taste awesome. It is shit I would get in the restaurant.

    The best thing they do is portion control. You eat what is on the plate and that is it.

    Yeah dude, you gotta cut back on the diet sodas. Sure, they might say "calorie free" on the can but they are still shit.
    Gino230 likes this.
  4. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    It's food, Don't really need to plan my day , week, or life around it. I just cook healthy things and some good tasting fatty things so everyone is happy. I deal with every rich housewife on the yacht on some stupid trend diet. Hope you guys are above that.
    Yzasserina and R1Racer99 like this.
  5. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    That meal price is very reasonable.
    I agree with the diet soda naysayers, diet soda is one of the worst things you can put in your body. You're concentrating on eating right and then washing it down with poison. Artificial sweeteners have no place in a healthy diet. If you need sweet, use natural sweeteners.
    Gino230 likes this.
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Enough about fasting!

    Let’s talk about fisting.

    Attached Files:

  7. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    Well, if you didn't buy all the fucking water, maybe the rest of us could hydrate a little with something besides sodas ya jerk! :timeforabeer::crackup::moon:
  8. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    100% agree. However it’s like cigar smoking, hamburger eating, or motorcycle racing- things I know are probably bad for me that I do anyway because I like them!
  9. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    As a side note, I saw an article yesterday saying 1 in 5 children in America are obese. There are some that are advocating IF for kids- but the Doctors are pushing back claiming it messes with the kids’ metabolism and they could be missing out on key nutrients.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics now officially recommends weight loss drugs for kids, but shits on fasting.

    This is what makes me think our country is truly fucked!
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Totally forgot about the Africa thing, that'll definitely pull you out of the donation possibilities.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Gotta stop reading articles like that... Nothing more than clickbait bullshit be they in print or on the web or in the nightly news.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  12. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    It's probably easier to pick up a bottle of water. I've never been disappointed with a good water that was room temp either so, no rootin' through an ice-filled cooler for my poison.
    FWIW, Fiji is damn good water.

    I once thought I could help myself stop smoking if I had to roll my own cigarettes. That didn't turn out like I thought...I got good at rollin'. :crackup:
  13. rafa

    rafa Well-Known Member

    I have heard similar statements before. But what is it storing as energy? The liquid? The actual sweetener (how many grams of it are there in a can anyway)? From my understanding, if there are no calories, there is not energy?
    I am actually curious, I have been drinking diet drinks since I can remember, and heard many times they are not good for you, but I dont really understand why
  14. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    You forgot the meme caption.....

    "We get it....you speak Italian"
    pickled egg likes this.
  15. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    140-160 calories in a 12 oz. can of regular soda so... it is storing that same amount of calories as your "diet sweetener". without a caloric number assigned to it, being man made, "allowing it to be called sugar free, zero calorie. your brain still treats the pleasure center of your brain to the treat, your body/metabolism treats it like sugar. might as well be drinking the real thing. you are not saving ANYTHING. Ski
  16. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    I believe I read that the THEORY is, it’s the sweetness that tricks your body’s insulin response. So whenever the insulin floods your bloodstream, whatever is in there is stored as fat to get your blood sugar down. Either way, it’s not good for you. However, I have never seen studies that control for other things that actually show it can cause weight gain.
  17. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    I'm coming down the home stretch of a 72 hour fast. Right now I have 3 1/2 hours to go. I tried a year ago without any concept of how to fast. I had done one 24 hour fast and then went for a 3 day. I tapped out at 65 hours that time, but still felt great after. In the past year I have done several 24-40 hour fasts and quite regularly eat on a 8/16 intermittent schedule. Adding minerals (without any additives/sugar) has made this time much better.
    iagsxr, 27 and acorn27 like this.
  18. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    The fasting trend is hilarious.

    Every human being on earth and every human being who ever lived does a daily fast. It's called sleep.
    gixer1100 and gixxerboy55 like this.
  19. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Pretty cool holding out that long. I did one one time and went 2 1/2 days. I did it to lose weight, and it helped kick start my diet. Should probably try it again.
    wsmc42 likes this.

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