Let's talk building/outdoor internet security cams

Discussion in 'General' started by sheepofblue, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. casjoker

    casjoker Refusing middle age

    Looking for the same basic system, a couple of cameras for the house and a couple for the barn. The barn is about 50yards from the wifi beacon. A camera with a spotlight would be the bomb but the wifi range all seems to be the limiting factor with those. Any solar options?
  2. I work for an appliance company and have really good electronics team so for that part of it things were pretty easy. Plus I use a lithium battery so it’s compact. Not to mention my 3D printed waterproof case is pretty slick :) I should have enough stuff around the office to whip one up. I’ll check Monday, have to get a couple staples in the ole ACL this am to secure it in place until o can find the time to have a complete tear down to the chassis and fix it right.
  3. Lots of solar options. WiFi has a lot to do with line of sight, I have this “broadcaster” I was able to snag but have yet to try it. You could easily get a repartee abs place it closest you can get to the cameras inside the house if your router is too far away. Lots of options of you are creative. I finally broke down and bought a mesh system for the house that arrived yesterday. Hooked it up in 10 mon last night and it’ would solve that issue for you plus depending on noise size makes WiFi seamless vs multiple routers and repeaters. Go to where you think you will put the r camera and try to pick up WiFi with your phone etc. My iPhone with an otter box had a very close pick up range to my cameras.
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