MotoGP | 2020 | Round 2 | Spain | Jerez | July 24-26

Discussion in 'General' started by BigBird, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Nope, not like Lorenzo.

    Jorge won three MotoGP championships. Mav will have none when he retires.
    Rebel635, Slider82, Phl218 and 2 others like this.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Friends of Distinction with lyrics.
  3. rcarson15

    rcarson15 Well-Known Member

    Yamaha has some serious engine problems that are going to have some real effects soon. All 4 riders have already used 4 of the 5 motors allocated, with Vinales using all 5. He and Rossi have scrapped one each. All other teams have only used 2 so far.
  4. Shocker

    Shocker Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if these motors aren't designed to be run in such hot conditions. I haven't seen any of these riders so worn out after races like I have in these past two weeks. With the unexpected mechanicals and motor swaps makes me think these factories did not design these motors to operate in those conditions.

    Is there a race weekend that gets this hot usually? I know the Asian rounds are humid as hell, but not as hot.
  5. GarrettRick

    GarrettRick Well-Known Member

    Not like JL at all , JL is multi time world champ . Mav isn’t sniffing that yet
    BigBird likes this.
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Hmmm, if they let Raper face out there as wild card, what would have happened? Most of the Wild cards would have been top 10.
  7. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    So someone explain the engine allocations and what they can and can't do throughout the season. I know there's a 5 engine limit. Are the engines sealed? What happened to the engines they sent back to Japan this week? Are those the ones that got scrapped? What kind of help will Petronas get from Yamaha in terms of improving reliability?
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yes and numbered, even Houdini couldn't get into one of them. They will be torn apart and analysised (sp?) why they went pop. You'll most likely see them again (maybe next year or in testing) unless there is a rod through a case or just completely worn out. As much as they pay for.
  9. Shocker

    Shocker Well-Known Member

    Has Dorna penalized any of the manufacturers for exceeding the engine allocation limits?
  10. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    If they deem it a safety issue the fim may let them swap the parts if not, Yamaha is screwed...
  11. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    Yea, I think you start at the back for that race if you need to open one up, or run out. Could be wrong but I think it either happened or almost happened about 4- years ago?
  12. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    1: He’s not out but the odds just went way down today. I was taking about this and said that he still very young and is prone to mistakes that could come him big. Today he proves his mental side. Those conditions and alone out front, that’s was an amazing.
    2: 100%
    3: Not sure who you’d put in his place at this point. Pecco and Miller are the future of Ducati for sure but as far as ‘21. He probably still gets that seat.
    4: It’s a shame for Alex as it seems Lorenzos departure was the worst thing for him. Another year in Moto2 would have been good for him. The bike is hard and unless Honda come with a completely different bike, next year won’t be any better. His goal should be to do what he’s doing. Get faster, not get hurt, have some decent finishes and try to get Peccos seat in ‘22. Today was not a good day for him. He’s very slow and Honda can’t be excited to lose their parts mule for next year because of it. Puig has really fucked that whole situation big time. If Pol is shit next year, I wouldn’t be surprised if they replace Puig.
  13. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    Start from pit lane.
  14. Lee#144

    Lee#144 Track Newbie

    Great race for FQ and good to see Rossi finish on the podium but I’m not sure the factory side has solved the rear grip issue. It looks like (from the couch) both SRT bikes have sorted this problem. Also with the engine issue, does SRT have the same issue?
  15. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    If I recall, Miller already has Petrucci's seat for 21 right? Is Pecco already signed with Pramac through next year? Or is he even currently signed with Pramac? Or signed with Ducati and just riding a Pramac machine? Can't remember. But if possible, I'd put the current Pramac lineup on the factory machines next year. As far as Dovi, I suspect with much more of this, Duc will pull some kid out of Moto3 before they cave to his demands. I'd probably give him a better shot of staying on that bike if not for the outlandish negotiations he was trying before the season restart. But you can't go that hard at your employer and then shit the bed like he did this weekend. Even last weekend fell short of what he needed to produce, given his demands.

    Marc is definitely still young and still gets the red mist and rides emotionally at times. Honestly though I think he showed a lot of maturity not racing today. If he can keep his head and learn from his round 1 mistakes, he still wins the championship. He just has to remember he's playing the long game now. Trying to obliterate the field every weekend won't cut it.

    This may sound completely insane (and probably is) but I actually think Alex would be best served to go to KTM and grow with the bike. I don't see him maximizing his improvements as a rider on the Honda. But if he could get on at KTM, I think that would be a great place for him to grow and maybe by the time the bike is capable of wins, he will be too... maybe. I actually find it humorous that I'm saying this since I said Zarco's career would die at KTM when he signed there (and to be fair, I was't far off). But I also think things have changed there, primarily Pedrosa and a bigger budget.
  16. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    That’s exactly what I said earlier. He kicks ass when everything is perfect but struggles when they aren’t.
  17. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    If Yamaha can fix the issue and give the engine real world MotoGP power, the Yamahas would be better off starting from pit lane.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  18. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    So who else are you going to add to that list then? I mean if you’re comparing everyone’s performances in their rookie years to MM.
  19. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Lmfao, excuses for Dovi? How many times has he been in the championship hunt in MotoGp? Compared to the majority of the other riders in the class?

    it’s no secret that certain tracks suit certain bikes and certain riders. This isn’t rocket science, it’s just how it is other than the Mm factor which we all know has broken every Gp law known to man.

    Lol regarding AM, he certainly hasn’t set the Gp world on Fire but I’m sure HRC would value your expert novice Sv650 opinion on the subject. That 2020 bike is a pile of absolute shit and even MM hasn’t come to grips with it so I’m not surprised the older Honda finished higher up with an experienced rider. AM has had 2 race weekend in MotoGp so he probably doesn’t even know what he likes or prefers for setup.
    418 likes this.
  20. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    Is any Honda on the grid a 2020 frame?

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