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Kyle Jurek, Bernie Sanders Activist, Trump Supporters and Re-education Camps

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by kangasj, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    They’re more better at shooting at paper lol
  2. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
    GRH likes this.
  3. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Thank god we don't have these wild boars here. Question, What do you do with tons of wild pig meat?
  4. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    You’re arguing semantics.

    How about this, one group has a lot more weapons than the other group and generally can “fight” while the other group is worried about feelings and pussy hats.

    Does that help you understand a little better?
    speeddaddy and sheepofblue like this.
  5. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    There's a bunch of them in SC. The guys I know mostly grind them up into sausage. I was driving down I-95 in GA about a month ago and the damn things were all over in the right of way along the interstate. Must really be thick down there....
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Mmm, thick...bacon... :D
  7. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

    various sausages, salami, bacon, pork ribs. surprisingly, of all the game i have taken over the years, the only thing my wife actually loves is wild boar.
  8. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    One side can walk into their armory and casually decide which sized hole they want to put into the other side on any given day and if that new Vortex 1-10x optic will help stack more bodies than the old Aimpoint that is collecting dust on one of those ARs over there that never gets shot anymore.

    The other side is confused on which restroom to go in and "wishing a MFer would" call them by the wrong pronoun so they can practice with their new rape whistle.
    AMac, Quicktoy, Robby-Bobby and 2 others like this.
  9. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Stealing this for a facetoobs conversation. Verbatim :crackup::crackup::crackup:
    blkduc likes this.
  10. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    I can totally agree with this statement. But the "army of hunters that can shoot the dick off of a hopping flea at 1000 yards" sentiment was gross exaggeration that did a terrible job of conveying the desired point. I would not go out hunting with most of those Elmer Fudd motherfuckers that call themselves hunters, let alone want to trust them to be by my side if people were shooting back. They would be good first wave cannon fodder though...:D
    blkduc likes this.
  11. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I'm not sure that I'd want to go hunting with a guy that would take a shot at a deer running 30 mph at pretty much any distance.

    I very much prefer to see humane hunters that only take shots that they reasonably KNOW will be a quick kill. Spray and pray wouldn't be an acceptable strategy IMNSHO.

    But, yeah, as @blkduc so eloquently put it, the sides are not equitably prepared for any ostensible civil war eventuality.
  12. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    Well, given the SIZE (number estimated 11.5 million) of Hunters across Merca. an Army would actully be plausable.

    If only 1% could reliably make the shot, the math says you have 115,000 who can do it.
  13. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    The number of registered hunters in Texas would alone make up the worlds largest army.
  14. Woofentino Pugr

    Woofentino Pugr Well-Known Member

    WI has something to say on that. :D

    But what Auminer says I agree. I WONT shoot at a running animal. I want to make sure its down. Bothers me to think an animal that was just wounded is suffering out there if I don't take the clean shot.
  15. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    I don’t know, man. While I’d put WI hunters up against anyone, pretty sure TX would take in sheer volume.
    Quicktoy likes this.
  16. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    I don’t shoot at any animals. So I make sure no animals suffer. Well unless the guy who blows the brains out of my steak did it wrong. ;) But I can blow the hell out of some paper.

    Look at that brass fly.
    SpeedyE likes this.
  17. sdg

    sdg *

    Yeah but the meat tastes like shit then.
  18. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    I’ve been wild boar hunting in that region of Europe. . .what we did was a little different; no blinds, stands, baiting or baying; we were on the ground walking and stalking. . .we didn’t get anything.

    These are all one shot, off sticks, with the same standards (with a major difference being that running into an angry pig was the least of our worries – and that the shit we worried about running into, what we were stalking were also worried about so they tended to keep their distance making none of these short shots). The Impalas should give you an idea of shot placement and consistency (and how far from impact we found them) and even though you can’t see it on the other ones, it’s the same shot/placement and result with where they dropped relative to being hit. It’s not even a little bit easy. . .and they were all standing still.

    IMG_3467 (2).JPG

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    Caught this one while we were driving to another part of the bush. . .took the shot (heart at about 160 yrds) standing in the bed of the truck with the rifle on the roof. . .that’s kiddie shit compared to walking and stalking for miles and then making the same shot off sticks.

    IMG_8208 (2).JPG

    Speaking of angry pigs – we have no idea how this one survived that shot, but it did and we had to track it for a couple of miles in an area with lions, elephants and hippos. . .when we found the hole it went into, it charged with the full intent of fucking us up. Needless to say, that experience tends to give you a whole new appreciation for dropping shit in one shot.

    IMG_0362 (2).jpg

    This was a different trip –we were sent to get a juvenile for dinner that night – we set up at a watering hole and when they came in, I took the shot kneeling and used the back of a folding chair as a rest. It’s a head shot at close to 200 yards. . .me insisting on the head shot was a result of the story behind the other pig pic. If I didn't have the chair, no chance I'm taking (let alone thinking I can make) that shot.

    IMG_3797 (2).JPG

    To each their own, but personally, I would never throw up that video as an example of “good” or “skillful” hunting . . .let alone as a pro argument for what you highlighted in bold. You see the hearing protection, red dots they were running, where the stands/blinds were relative to the game trails. . .how the fuck do you think they knew it was going to be close encounters and to bring low/no mag red dots and hearing protection and why do you think they were pointing to the ones over 50-60 yards rather than rapid fire sending it like they did at stupid close range. . .and who do you think told them they were coming, especially considering they couldn’t hear them coming.

    What he wrote was the definition of talking mad shit without a prayer of backing it up. . .and anybody who’s hunted and consistently (or inconsistently) made heart shots would know that.
    G 97 likes this.
  19. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Don’t know about all that other stuff but you are rocking that boonie my man. :beer:
  20. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Damn...those animals really messed your face up.
    sdg, MachineR1 and Funkm05 like this.

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