Is this guy serious?

Discussion in 'General' started by Mot Okstef, May 7, 2019.

  1. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    418, cha0s#242, opinion914 and 2 others like this.
  2. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    It looks like a really nice piece, and he talks about it being jewel-like, so $150 seems reasonable to me. $50 won't get you a piece of cheap plastic anything these days.
  3. groundhogday

    groundhogday Well-Known Member

    Try a walking cane or umbrella with a curved grip. A little tip I picked up from my PT when I told him I used the wall and a tennis ball on my trapezius trigger points.
  4. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to hijack this thread some as this does relate to back issues and it seems a lot of people here have had experience dealing with them. About a month ago I strained/pulled/tore something in my back on the lower right side. Have had some minor issues in the past that I believe were just muscular and always was able to recover quickly. This has not gone away and every morning is the worst just getting up but will relax some after about an hour of being up and am able to go through my day even though still having a constant pain. My question is, who would you all have something like this checked out by at the start? Thanks.
  5. Shocker

    Shocker Well-Known Member

    Are your toes tingly? Does the pain shoot down one of your legs?
  6. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    I’ve been through the same thing. First I go to my backup stash of anti inflammatories and then I go to my chiropractor and he yells at me for waiting so long. Sometimes he tells me to get a massage to try to loosen everything up before I see him.
  7. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    No, but here we go, pain does go down the right side of my groin. Dull pain in the right nut. How’s that for putting it all out there on a public forum!
  8. motoracer1100

    motoracer1100 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like blue balls .... :D
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Or nut cancer.
  10. motoracer1100

    motoracer1100 Well-Known Member

    Well .. rub one out and see if it goes away :D
  11. Shocker

    Shocker Well-Known Member

    Id go to a chiropractor and see what they say.
    yokohama1 likes this.
  12. Rebel635

    Rebel635 Well-Known Member

    I got one of those S shaped thingys with ball ends for trigger points. The issue is that this one particular trigger point hides under my shoulder blade, I can only get to it by pulling my arm across me to move the shoulder blade to the outside to reach it, once I do that I can’t use my arms...wall edge it is.

  13. jksoft

    jksoft Well-Known Member

    My family doc sent me to the chiro.
  14. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Generally speaking, a chiropractor won't touch your nuts.
  15. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Had the same thing. Hip was messed up. Chiro fixed after 2 visits and NSAIDs.
  16. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I have been dealing with EXACTLY the same thing since December, except left side. I never did an MRI, but I either tore a ligament or herniated a disc. Either way, my body effectively shut off the muscles in my back as a defense mechanism, which allowed my hip flexors and psoas muscle to pull down and twist me into a gimp.

    Working with a chiropractor, I started doing hip flexor stretches, glute activation stretches, cobra stretches, and I got this thing called a pso-rite to help loosen up the muscle. I’m probably back to 95% as of today.
  17. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    Gee, thanks Dave. Turned 50 and it seems like everything is going bad.
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Tell me about it. I get a headache? It's a tumor! Have to pee a lot? Prostate cancer! Nuts ache a bit? Nut cancer!

    You're old, embrace it! Everything it cancer, chest hurts just a bit it's a heart attach and if you get a rush from caffeine or sugar and it's a stroke.
  19. Prospect

    Prospect Hayai

    For those wanting a happy ending with their neck massage, just buy two, set them up correctly and you're golden.
  20. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that might be the way to go. Chiropractors seem To do a lot more than adjustments of the back.

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