You happy now?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dave K, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. fastedyamaha

    fastedyamaha Well-Known Member

    No doubt about that but that most certainly is not the case here.
    BDRacing and VFR#52 like this.
  2. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    Filing a lawsuit does take place all the time.
    Spending over 500k to defend one by a non profit motorcycle club to keep it out of trial and make it go away does not.
    Can someone please enlighten us on how much Cmra insurance lawyers actually spent to keep any of these from going to trial?
  3. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    Spending in excess of $500K to keep the financial book private just screams that there's some "there" there. These threads have certainly delivered on the amusement factor when it comes to the pretzels the apologists are willing to contort into to protect those who refuse to open the books as is required of them.
    BDRacing, VFR#52 and Banditracer like this.
  4. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I hope it burns to the ground. It’s pretty clear to anyone with any level of objectivity just how the BOD and a certain secretary defrauded the club. It’s also clear that they ignored the clubs own by laws and IRS not for profit requirements. They had an opportunity to make things right but instead decided to drag the club through a legal fight............... not to save the club, not to keep good faith with the membership but to protect themselves. They would rather put the entire club at risk then to be honest. Effectively giving every member a collective FU. Now we have another result of their decisions.

    The BOD is solely responsible for the current situation. I can also attest to the fact of CMRA members sending me multiple PMs etc as a result of some of my previous observations on the other threads. You also have a BOD member actively posting and trying to provide cover and even creating multiple user ids in the process. All for the sake of protecting the BOD while they continue to put the club into turmoil.

    Burn to the ground CMRA. No need for any organization to exist with shady “leadership”. The void created will be filled with an improved organization.
    BDRacing and VFR#52 like this.
  5. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Let me see if I have this straight.

    Someone in the club asked to see the financials,
    The club balked,
    Someone sued somebody,
    Not sure where that lawsuit went,
    Club claims bankruptcy.
  6. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Pretty much yeah, that's the condensed version. :crackup:
  7. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    And not one single layer was killed in the process.
  8. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    No but the lawyer who was trying to do the right thing went broke and the lawyers who where leading the head hunting got rich at clubs expense.
    But soon enough the BOD and people responsible for this will have to explain their actions.

  9. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    You left out, random douchebag CMRA members posting trying to justify BOD decision.
    BDRacing and VFR#52 like this.
  10. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    Wait- I thought there were two lawsuits? The original one, (Peyton) was dismissed after they kicked him out of the club, thus removing his standing to sue?
    Then they were sued again by another member they could not kick out, and now they are in bankruptcy as a result?
    VFR#52 likes this.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Oddly one thing Evelyne has never done and we still don't do even though she's the sole owner. Hell, we don't put most of our food on the company when travelling.
    ducnut and VFR#52 like this.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nope never. They have always been their own club, they were just at one point an affiliate which meant we handled licensing, writing rules, contingency and the like and got 50% of the license fee in return.
    tophyr likes this.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    My pie expenses all come out of my salary :D
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, dealing with one now that is pure bullshit.
  15. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Basically, you work for free. :D
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nah, I make enough to pay for food, shelter, and some toys :D
  17. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    More accurate:

    1. Someone in the club asked to see the financials
    2. The club balked and kicked him out
    3. He sued
    4. Lawsuit was thrown out because he wasn't a member
    5. Another member stepped up and sued
    6. The BOD bankrupted the club trying to keep from having to show it's complete financials

    The big question is WHY for number 6. What the hell is in there that's so damning to this small handful of people and why/how did they think they'd ever be able to continue to keep it a secret? I know lawyers are snakes, but for real, surely somebody at some point said to the BOD, "look, we'll fight this as long as you want, but it's very clear that you HAVE to release this information".
    VFR#52, BDRacing and badmoon692008 like this.
  18. inge

    inge Between fight or flight, one should choose wisely.

    Because decades of jail time. DECADES.
    VFR#52 and BDRacing like this.
  19. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Then why isn't there a criminal angle to this? Why isn't some DA somewhere subpoenaing these records?
    VFR#52 and CMRA 270 like this.
  20. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    They also had something similar with CCS at one time. When I was a member my license was issued by CCS.

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