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Fighting global warming!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by pickled egg, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Is God all knowing, or not? And I'm not a devout atheist. More of a lackadaisical agnostic.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Probably. However, I still have a different POV regarding the free will thing which I mentioned several pages back.
  3. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    The answer is he's all knowing when shit is going great. Thank him for everything.

    When everything goes to shit it's free will and your choices but you still have to thank him for everything.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Is there a difference between knowing the future and predicting it with 100% accuracy?

    Not even someone who can create the world in six days?

    You guys realize what's going on here, right? You're essentially saying "he doesn't exist because no one can do this." What I'm saying is "if he does exist, it's entirely conceivable that he can do that." There are lots of logic flaws in all those stories people are fed in holy books. I'm not sure this is one of them.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep. My argument is about free will and god planning out everything. Not god knowing everything.
  6. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Because God exists outside of time, there is no future for him to predict. He knows, absolutely and completely, the total path of your life. He always has. That is the very definition of omniscience.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Which goes back to him being okay with the bad people/things happening and actively allows them. Making him a psycho nutjob of a being :D
  8. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Are you saying that what's going to happen also has already happened? That the only way I can see any validity in the argument that there is nothing to predict.
  9. badmoon692008

    badmoon692008 Well-Known Member

    Yes, guessing correctly and knowing are two very different things...
    I'm conceding for the sake of this argument that he exists and is omniscient... I'm not disagreeing with either of those claims... What I'm disagreeing with is the possibility of the existence of free will if those things are true.
  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Meh...if the universe were WD40, earth is probably WD10. He cares, but he's got better things going.:D
  11. badmoon692008

    badmoon692008 Well-Known Member

    If god knows all then yes, it's "already" happened for him... If he's outside of time everything is always happening, it just depends "when" he wants to look
  12. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    And when, by his definition would be????
  13. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    This is probably a more realistic take on God, although it requires us to discount his omniscience or consider him to be rather callous.
  14. badmoon692008

    badmoon692008 Well-Known Member

    When is only relevant to us in this discussion, he could look "whenever" he wanted in time, as it would all be simultaneous to him.
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Again, callous is based on perspective. No matter how broad our experiences may be, or how brilliant we think we are, our experiences and knowledge are insignificant to a supreme being/creator/alien traveler. Arguing limits on something that is not limited is entertaining, but pointless.
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The limits are in the good book. His word, transcribed by humans but if you're an actual believer you know it's his word 100%...
  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I don't recall it describing limits on Jaweh.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Who the heck is Jaweh? If you mean god then him taking an interest in every being is very limiting :D
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    From your, and my perspective.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Agreed. However if the book is correct then he has told us limits exist. The book is directly his word from him told to the writers, so it has to be true right?

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