Explain "White Priviledge" ..... Seriously

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robby-Bobby, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Can you imagine Cortez with the tear tattoo? :crackup:
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    What a crock of shit. I'd have had to start in the damned parking lot after going backwards. That shit has nothing to do with race, has to do with where he was doing that particular race and who he invited to be a part of it.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Or they were all chicks and he was the only male. Or since women don't carry things in their pockets they saw everything in the xray and he had to empty his pockets like every male out there does at security...
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not most. Some sure.

    Don't be a white guy driving in a black hood tho, not so much benefit, lots of doubt. From the cops and sadly from the residents.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Been stopped and frisked because of my skin color. Not really an issue for me. Granted I wasn't thrown against a wall but that is sizism...
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I was pulled over in Texas by latino cops for doing 10mph over the speed limit as a scruffy white guy driving a brand new Caddy DTS. Pure 100% profiling me because of how I looked and what I was driving. Black guy with skis would make even black cops wonder wtf?
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  8. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    StaccatoFan likes this.
  9. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Arbeit Macht Frei :Poke:

    For the most part I agree with you but think there is something flawed with our cultural definition of success, moral ethos, and expectations of self worth.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Which definition?
  11. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe perception would have been a better word?
  12. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

  13. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I’ve only read the first page, and this is an incomplete thought, but “white privilege” seems to be related to the idea that white men are the predominant power holders in the world. Now why is that? Why didn’t a great, world conquering civilization rise out of central Africa or Central Asia?
    badmoon692008 and laich528 like this.
  14. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    I'm simple.

    Success is enough to pay the bills, put food on the table, treats if we have something left over.

    I don't need a big house or a fancy car to impress anybody. Your $60k BMW won't take you anyplace my $1500 POS won't take me.

    My $200 Android smartphone does just as well for me as your $1000 iPhone.

    I'm beyond the stage where I'm impressed by material crap.
    David-imoddavid, cav115 and crashman like this.
  15. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    Different societal organizational structures competing directly and indirectly is my take on it.

    African continent, for the most part from my understandings is centered around Tribes. More Territorial and Migratory in nature. They're trying hard to catch up to the rest of the Modern world, but struggle with their ancient ways that are ingrained into their cultures through tradition and their religions. North America comes to mind as well with the different Indian tribes and many of them centering their lives around the migrations of the Bison herds on the Plains.

    European/Asian society is more Democratic/Western/Industrial in structure (for lack of another words to describe it). More technology and societal innovation than Tribal.
    Leads to less infant motality and longer life spans. Increased population leads to requirement for more space and resources to sustain. Thus seeking out to expand.

    Thanks a bit of my take on some of the reasons we are where we are today.
    David-imoddavid likes this.
  16. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Yup, at 20 I was surprised in the realization that my millionaire status was not likely to happen unless got off the couch and worked for it. That maybe I should set my goals by using baby steps to achieve success.

    At a Fortune 500 company I worked for, we had a receptionist that was very unique. She wanted to be the receptionist and always seemed to enjoy her work. She would remember people and engaged them in friendly talk while they waited to be escorted to meetings. She was well liked by many and remembered by some of the oilfield industry giants when she passed away due to cancer. By some stds, 30 years as a receptionist would not considered a success but in reality her position was just as important as anybody else in the corporation.
    condon66 likes this.
  17. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The world runs every day due to the presence of millions of those "very unique" people.
    Over the long run, she was probably more important than most of the people in the corporation, because people like her are the glue that holds the organization together as other mobile employees come and go.
    She's there for the long term, so she has more invested in the company's ability to survive.
    The people she works for are mostly on their way to somewhere else, or at least that is their intention.
  18. Crackhead

    Crackhead Expert

    Yeah, the kind of people who have no problem racking up debt that they have no intention to ever repay. Enjoying the companionship of pets but counting on others to pay for the vet bills. Meanwhile, buying shiny new trucks. Jase, you don't want this discussion to shift to personal responsibility… :rolleyes:
  19. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Dude, I pay my bills.
    I probably have a better credit rating than you do.
    And yes, some people contributed some money to help pay for an operation I couldn't afford, but I actually paid most of it myself.
    Just finished paying it off in July, as a matter of fact.
    I own my own home, pay my taxes, never been arrested, brought up two kids who support themselves and are law-abiding citizens, had jobs since 1963.
    Plus I have a big dick.
    How much more personal responsibility do you want?
    So you have no point, just excuses.

    Now, why don't you answer the question instead of changing the focus to something else, which is exactly what I asked of jase.

    Let's start with the fact that close to 80% of black men who have children do not stay with the mother or take care of the children. Those children are pretty much doomed to poverty by that single act.
    How is that not the fault of those men?
    Why is not the answer to the problem expecting those men to take responsibility for the children they create?

    I've no doubt I'll wait forever for either one of you to answer the question.
  20. Crackhead

    Crackhead Expert

    It's not my job to justify what they are doing or why. Just pointing out that you are in no position to judge anyone on personal responsibility.

    I noticed that there is a start date but no end date on your employment claim. When did it end, and what have you been doing since? Oh, right, the Obamacare electrical perimeter fence around your house. And quit lying about paying your debt. They probably wrote it off when they put the numbers together. You are so different from the people you rant about all day. :rolleyes:

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