Why is globalization failing?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by speeddaddy, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. speeddaddy

    speeddaddy Well-Known Member


    North America is already a multicultural haven, but it seems as though the push to have everyone accept Islam and thus the people from those Muslin countries on a large scale is failing....
    My opinion is that our societies, including Europe are comfortable with being quite secular, whereas people of Islam not so much, which makes them seemingly less willing to really integrate.
    Personally my big red flag is the way women are second class. There is a Mosque in my neighbourhood and the women and girls have to go in the back door, wtf? Why the free pass on this kinda shit?
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not as many people by a long stretch but women as second class exists in a lot of christian sects too.

    Then you have places like India with the caste system.

    Basically if the women agree to it then that is their choice. If they're here in the US they have enough outside influence to know not everyone does it that way and they do have ways out if they choose to avail themselves.
  3. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    I believe its failing because its not based on a system of freedom its based on a system of control.
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    What they do by choice is their business. When they expect others to comply, they cross a line.
  5. speeddaddy

    speeddaddy Well-Known Member

    Sounds easy, I agree with you, then why would any women "choose" to be subjugated? Every one of them in NA should tell the men to pound sand. Point is we treat that religion with kid gloves.
  6. Pittenger5

    Pittenger5 Well-Known Member

    Same reason a lot of people "choose" to go to church every sunday, or "choose" to play football, or whatever. Because its how they were brought up. Its how they identify themselves.
    Heck, look at the Amish, they have a specific time where children are encouraged to go out and experience the outside world, and (from what I recall) the vast majority choose to return to the Amish lifestyle.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I don't treat religion with anything. I pretty much ignore it and it ignores me. We get along great that way :D

    People believe different things, women included. Why? Not a clue, I don't think that way. Whether it's women having their own doors or believing in some all knowing all hating being that controls everything - except when they don't want to - or whatever. I also don't get vegetarians.
  8. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Because there are alot of cultures and religions and sects that when they adhere to their traditional edicts require that women act in a subservient manner (Islam not being the only only either)....and they don't necessarily mind it, they just see it as part of the custom/process/etc. Being subservient and docile doesn't always necessarily translate to being abused and mistreated. So what if they go in through a different door than the men? Men and women pray in different areas in a mosque, they aren't supposed to intermingle during worship....so its probably more convenient that they enter the building via different entrances.

    Don't be so quick to judge.
  9. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    You don't know American women very well...
  10. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Because much of the world sucks and is run by tyrants, why would we want them to have a say in our lives (coming from a proponent of bull dozing the UN)
  11. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    A couple of thoughts:

    If the men by the Good Book bullshit, why wouldn't the women buy it too?

    Have you ever look American battered women (from any race or religion) and wondered why anyone would choose to live like that? What answer did you come up with?
  12. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

  13. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    You forgot to carry the 1. Idtio.
  14. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    Everyone knows the answer is 42.
    jaybirdka likes this.
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Not in all cases but they are ground down over time to (first) think they brought it on themselves and (eventually) can not do better without him.

    I have looked at them. I worked in a battered woman's center for 4 ~ 5 months before leaving after some real f@cked up shit happened that I still have nightmares over.
    In Your Corner likes this.
  16. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    My DW and I have a couple of distant friends we see on rare occasions that married each other (heterosexual couple). Nether of them can understand why I "let" my wife keep her last name when we got married. My wife has a memorable last name, in a good way. She was well established in her career under her name when we married. It would have been detrimental to her career to change her last name. I totally blew our friends minds when I told them I offered to change my name to my wife's last name if she wanted us to have the same last name. As a computer geek, my last name didn't matter much in my career. Obviously their marriage is a bit different than ours. In their household, the man is the head of the household and that is how it should be according to both of them. I don't believe she is being beaten or anything, I think she just lets him be head of the household while she stays at home to raise the kids. It is all good if it works for both of them. They are Christians not Muslims.
  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    The woman is supposed to carry the 1 for me, idjit.
    Everyone is wrong. Allah Algebra.
    Funkm05 likes this.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Maff is the DEBBIL!
  19. speeddaddy

    speeddaddy Well-Known Member

    They don't "choose" it.
  20. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I repeated your word.

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