I'm a "little cup".

Discussion in 'General' started by annie650, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    I'm gonna play devils advocate here.....and I'll probably get a beatdown for it but....

    You put your safety and the safety of others in danger because you're stubborn? If you were feeling that bad on the track it's your responsibility to pull in. You put yourself and others at risk of injury or even death. 'Selfish' may be the correct word here, not stubborn. Please leave that attitude off the track for the sake of others.

    Allright ya'll, go ahead and flame away. I'm a big boy, I can take it.
  2. The more i think about it, im not buying into the idea of you not being able to "store" enough water because of your size. It is all relative and proportionate. You can't store as much water as somebody who is 6' and 175lbs...BUT...you won't burn as much either because your body/muscles/etc are smaller.

    I could be wrong, but that is the way i see it. You don't need to be able to store as much water as somebody who is bigger than you...because you shouldnt need as much. You aren't trying to fuel and maintain 175lbs like they are.
  3. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    General rule of thumb is .75-1.0 oz of water every day for someone who is active or does endurance type training and up to 1.0-1.50 the day of. This is to also include sodium supplementation.

    Sounds like a lot but it really isn't. For you that is less than a gallon a day. At Road Atlanta I drank 12 bottles of water, just water a day. That doesn't include anything else that I drank.

    I also drink 3 (16oz) bottles of water prior to going to the gym and another 1.5-2 while working out.

    Oh yeah and I HATE HATE HATE water. I just know I have to drink it and how it effects preformance.

    Either that or what Brown Broome said. My first thought when you posted this was that during a race weekend where you are on the track that long.
  4. annie650

    annie650 Well-Known Member

    These are all good. Thanks!
  5. brianspeed3

    brianspeed3 Well-Known Member

    Anne, Just go faster!!! Your race won't last as long that way!!! :D
  6. brianspeed3

    brianspeed3 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the "goo" packs before a race? I always see you drinking water, but never gatorade or anything like that. you need electrolytes as well.
  7. Umm yeah...I don't think that is going to get 'er done. :D

  8. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Illegal in AMA
    The ones at Home Depot? They work better than a wet rag but that is about it.

    Anne, I work outside as much as you and inside the tanks it gets to be 130+ and I'm covered in welding gear. The. I try to race on weekends.

    How I stay ahead is two large powerade zero bottles per day. Every day. And at least one bottle of water per hour or more. All day every day. On race/track days I add in one "gu gel" every time I ride.
  9. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    Damn it, Per pound of body weight lol
  10. t500racer

    t500racer Never Fails To Fail

  11. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I had to check my method. Sounds right. About 8 +/- 16-20oz bottles plus two 32oz bottles is close to 200oz and I'm under that.

    And that isn't counting like lemonade with lunch and dinner.
  12. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    i've used coconut water in place of gatorade. Gatorade even when cut in half with water is very acidic for me. Coconut water + h20 + bananas are what I use.

    I've also used Gatorade Level 1 in the morning before going out on track and level 3 after the day and that seems to help with the soreness after a track day. I do not exercise.
  13. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

  14. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    Yep, I'm the same way. I don't count the tea at dinner.

    I just added this. Some of my bike friends use it. I just started using it this week since someone mentioned it in another thread. My friend said it's good stuff. I do crossfit between 1 and 5pm in New Orleans, outside. So if anyone knows the how it is here you know how hot it gets. I'm actually gonna do the weigh myself thing before I go today.
  15. I have been using Cytomax for a while. But i buy the powder and keep it in the toy hauler. Then i mix a scoop every couple/few hours.

    For what we do, water simply isnt enough.
  16. Wheel Bearing

    Wheel Bearing Professional low sider

    That's why I always drink 8oz of water after doing a line of coke. Gotta stay on the ball!

  17. Chip

    Chip Registered

    off a hookers ass...
  18. bitchcakes

    bitchcakes reluctant member

    Bunch of pussies. Do you think Bear Grylls or Chuck Norris worry about getting enough electrolytes or pre-hydrating themselves before they kick ass?

    Fuck no.

    We are just animals, folks. Wild animals don't need a drink bottle with specially-formulated chemicals by their side at all times. Do you think a cheetah, grizzly bear or even a honey badger stays perfectly hydrated during every stage of the hunt? Yeah, they get thirsty. But its ok to be thirsty, its just natures way of telling you that it would be a good idea to start sourcing some water soon. Somehow we have (de)evolved into a drink-bottle generation of a species that apparently cannot get through fifteen minutes of even a simple activity such as driving a car to work without something in a nearby cup-holder.

    Harden the fuck up, people. :D
  19. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    There's good info here. Another vote for recovery/rest before a weekend. Hydrating well during the week also. One thing I do every track morning is drink two bottles of water w/electrolyte supplements mixed in, no matter what. It gets the hydration process working, muscle cramps out, etc. I think a good way to tell if you over-hydrate is that you feel bloated. I would sometimes feel this by the latter races if I was drinking too much (possible also).

    When we were at Atlanta for that N2 weekend Anne, I slacked off and didn't do the normal stuff because it was a "track day". I felt it by the end of Sunday. The following week for the Cycle Jam, sticking to the normal program of drinking/eating throughout the day made a world of difference.

    It's also not just fluids, but eating as well. Power bars, gels, bare chicken breasts, etc. throughout the day. Get proteins, so your body doesn't resort to pulling from your muscles for energy during high-intensity times. If you come back home after a race weekend and have lost weight, that's generally what has happened. It's easy to forget to eat when the nerves are running on race day and that can often be just as bad as not hydrating.

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