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Thanks Obama

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by TEAMLIKETYSPLIT, Jan 25, 2014.



    So we did our 2013 tax returns today. We found out that because our income exceeded 48k (total family) we lost our ability to have child credits. If my math is correct, it was worth around $1500 worth of federal tax return. WTF!!!!!
  2. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    Good, because I hate that breeders get special treatment because they create more tax burdens for me. :D
  3. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    :stupid: :D
  4. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    The FairTax would cure ALL this shit...:)
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator


    Gotta admit, being in bed with the health insurance companies, stuff like this, y'all sure Obama ain't republican? :D
  6. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    The problem is the breeders don't make $48k a year.

    The breeders are on Welfair, etc. They still get the credit and incentive to breed:Poke:
  7. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    Yep. The govt thinks they're investing in the future by paying people to have kids. Future tax payers. I think I should be given a tax break for not causing undue stress on the govt for not having kids. :)
  8. ped

    ped Banned

    hasnt it been republicans complaining for the past 5 years that 47% of people dont pay taxes due to the EIC? My taxes went up this year too.....because congress refused to extend the obama tax breaks.
  9. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    That's the first time I've ever heard that.
    You'll need to cite that one.

    You should be happy to lose that "tax break".
    Nothing could be more patriotic than paying the bills that you demand be run up.
  10. ped

    ped Banned

    I dont know what you mean, I didnt demand endless conflict
  11. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Which one is fair tax? Is that where everybody pays the same percentage of the one that's based on sales tax?

    I can see everyone paying the same rate as fair. Sales tax based rates would really hit the poor hard because they spend nearly all that they make.
  12. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    So, you're a nuke'em all kinda guy. Get it over with simple and fast. Enough of this trying to sort out the bad guys from the innocents, enough of this "hearts and minds" bullshit. Enough of this tree hugging, bleeding heart liberal bullshit! Kill'em all, and let Allah sort them out.

    Is that what you demanded?
  13. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    The Obama "tax breaks" were a gimmick. Social security and Medicare are already well on their way to financially ruining us, reducing the programs' revenue streams won't solve anything. We need to work on the spend side of the equation and kill both programs.
  14. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    The tax code is a piece of shit. In California, 48k gross income with 2 adults and a kid won't get you much at all. You get penalized for working while the worthless section 8 welfare shits do nothing, but I guess that's the new normal. If you start a business you get screwed even harder, especially with Obama's new rates and surtaxes on capital gains.

    I wouldn't worry about it. Pretty soon, social spending will consume so much money that the military will be cut to the bone and become a pathetic shadow of its former self. Then we won't be able to beat even Cuba with conventional arms, let alone nuke 'em. Don't believe me? See: United Kingdom
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  15. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    And thats why they are poor. Its not magic... if you make less you spend less and your effective tax rate will remain low. :Poke:
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Obama hasn't passed jack spit. He doesn't have the power. If he, or anyone else wants credit for anything they perceive as positive, they need to be willing to accept the blame for the rest. So far, Obama has not shown much in the way of personal accountability.
  17. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I'm not talking about the idiots making 30k/yr but driving a BMW, I'm talking about the people that just make enough to survive, spending their money on necessities.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I am not going to cite chapter an verse of the different options out there, but most have provisions for the poor, including prebates and reduced overall costs because of the elimination of the taxes imbedded into goods and services before the current sales tax is applied. If you want more info, use the search engine of your choice.
  19. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    not sure which demographic you are talking about? Do these poor people have 2 kids (or more) & 1 income? Now who is an idiot? :Poke:
    The beemer can be sold, traded, or repo'd.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    He didn't wreck that. Republicans wrecked that.

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