Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Discussion in 'General' started by Hendo, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Hendo

    Hendo V Card Puncher

    Life since returning from my last deployment, I was MEDEVACd back, has not been easy. I haven't returned to the track because I gained weight as a result of being MEDEVACd and havent been able to lose the weight and fit back into my leathers...and i refuse to buy new ones. Besides that I have other baggage and issues I have been trying to work through/get over.

    Anyway, I have reached a point where I feel I just need to run away, so along with another combat vet buddy and my mom, I will be hiking the Appalachian Trail this coming year. I am looking forward to the time to clear my head and as the first thru-hiker, WWII veteran Earl Shaffer said in 1948, I want to walk off the Army/War. We will begin 15 March 2014 on Springer Mountain, GA and will finish on Mount Katahdin, ME NLT 15 Oct 2014.

    I have set up a blog and fund raising site, so people can follow and support us on our adventure.


    If you live near the trail feel free to PM me your email and phone number and I will get in touch with you along the way. We will be in town once a week and will be able to use my phone and update my blog at that time.

    I miss you all like crazy and look forward to seeing you at the track when I get back!!

  2. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    I remember you. :D

    Welcome home.
  3. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Hendo, that's a hell of an idea. Not only will you be doing something that doesn't require dealing with the daily ratrace but you'll be dealing with nature itself. That's a cool thing to do. Try not to kick any bears in the ass. They have a tendency to kick back. :)
  4. ACDNate

    ACDNate Well-Known Member

    There is a certain appeal to the idea, now the actual doing of it, eff no not me. Kudos to you for going at it :beer:
  5. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Best of luck with the hike, Ilene. I hope it helps you get where you want to be.
  6. Hendo

    Hendo V Card Puncher

    After six months on the trail surviving on ramen noodles, peanut butter, jerky, etc I will feigning for some pizza. Guess I will have to come visit again, Papa!!!!

    Miss ya!!!
  7. crazywolf450r

    crazywolf450r Well-Known Member

    Firstly, Thank you for your service!
    Congrats on your life altering decision! Wish you all the best.

    My brother and I always had a goal of doing a couple of weeks on the AT. Neither of us thought we'd lose the chance to do it together. Sadly, he passed last year. So now its my goal to take his son on a week or two hike very soon.

    I look forward to following your adventure, good luck!
  8. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Good to see you on here, hope your Christmas was good. As i'm typing this there is a commercial on tv for the Wounded Warrior Project.
    Thank you for your service I hope you find peace on your hike and don't be such a damn stranger!!
  9. opinion914

    opinion914 Well-Known Member

    Ever read "A Walk in The Woods" by Bill Bryson? Three pages into it and he had me wishing I had the time to challenge the trail. Growing up next to it I spent some time playing in the woods, but never more than a few miles. Best of luck, envious.

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  10. Hendo

    Hendo V Card Puncher

    Yep, we read "Walk in the Woods" hillarious read. We definitely will be travelling light. "Appalachian Trials" by Zach Davis has become our bible, it is a great read!!
  11. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    I have always wanted to do that!
    good lluck!
  12. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

    All the best on your journey. Being out in nature is a good way to clear the mind.
  13. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    Have lived in both states the trail starts and ends it is getting cold in October in Maine Many times I remember trick or treating over snow banks..Katahdin will have snow on it..Welcome back! Thanks for your tours of duty
  14. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Hendo, a very good friend did 600 miles on the App.Trail this past summer. She came back refreshed and refocused, and had a ton of great stories.

    Best of luck to you.

  15. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Bring your ass and do it!!:beer:
  16. gt#179

    gt#179 Dirt Dork

    great idea. I've hiked some sections of it and have done lots of extended backpacking trips over the years.

    My main piece of advice for anyone thinking of hiking the AT, especially if you live in the south east, is to go visit Walasi-Yi center/outfitter on Blood mountain before your trip. They are the only structure the AT goes thru and they are about 30 miles into the trail from Springer Mtn. Usually folks get there tired, sore, hungry and dejected from their first foray on the trail. They give them a pep talk, but mostly they help them figure out what is working and what isn't working as far as gear. They are one of the best outfitters in the US for making a thru trip. Go in there with you full pack and anything you are considering taking. They will tell you what works for them and other hikers and let you decide what you want to do from there. Do this before your hike. Ideally before you buy a bunch of gear that won't work for you.

    they can outfit you from head to toe for your trip. it won't be cheap but when you are living off your back for 9 months, it's worth every penny.

    IMHO I always spent a lot of money on good shoes, whatever it took to be comfortable at night, and to eat well. The trip can do to hell in a hand basket but as long as you eat well, sleep well, and have comfortable shoes, you can get thru the rest of it.

    A buddy, Winton Porter, used to own the place but he just sold it to two of the employees. Anyone there will be able to help you, maybe call ahead and see if they can arrange a time for you to come in.

    good luck and enjoy the "long green tube". :)
  17. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    Good luck, if you want to walk off the Army start on your hike on March 15th, 2014, not 15 March 2014. :D
  18. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    HI HENDO!!!
  19. Hendo

    Hendo V Card Puncher

    Hi putter!!
  20. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    +1 on good shoes being worth every penny.

    I'm not a brand guy, but the Adidas gortex are phenomenal boots.
    The previous year models are relatively cheap for all terrain waterproof boots.

    Best of luck out there!

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