Lots of rule changes for AMA in 2014

Discussion in 'General' started by SPL170db, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. g maloney

    g maloney Well-Known Member

    Enough already. WAY too much caring about the number plate coloring!! I just came across a road racing world from 2000. I counted approximately 65+ companies that are not around anymore, not to mention the more than dozen companies in business but not advertising in the mag. What parts can be changed on a bike to make it legal in AMA pro? Answer is not much. How many aftermarket companies can support racing if people can't buy parts and use them? Problem is much bigger than worrying about how well colored plates look. I think they will look like shit too, BUT it starts to resolve the issue of the untrained eye wondering what bikes are in what class. I know I've asked what size bike it is (standing next to the bike) or glanced at the track and wondered what class was on track.
  2. I alluded to that same thing earlier in the thread.

    I know the rules on aftermarket parts are meant to cut costs, which could/should get more people on the grid and allow more teams to be competitive. But the rules also mean less aftermarket parts will be bought/sold...and vendors will lose money. When vendors lose money, they can't support/sponsor racers and without that support, many racers won't be able to make the grid.

    It is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.
  3. chadspaint

    chadspaint Well-Known Member

    ?? Public like big sponsored Factory teams. Nobody wants to go watch Just privateers.. So I'm not sure what you mean here.
  4. chadspaint

    chadspaint Well-Known Member

    yeah the economy is down but I m pretty sure people would like to see Pros race than privateers. And Thats what sell lots of street bikes. I agree privateers sell race bikes.. but pros sell street bikes
  5. chadspaint

    chadspaint Well-Known Member

    Joey is friend of a friend and Does ride great. Any racers knows if the guys is faster than you most likely you have some repect. .Just saying if He was on a bike that was factory sponsored the win would mean more. Yeah it is a great accomplishment for a Privateer team Like Melnichuck to win it all with everything factory except the actual sponship written down the side of the bike.. It just has less impact to the street squid commitee and that is who needs to buy bikes
  6. chadspaint

    chadspaint Well-Known Member

    Great point. Perry beating the team that taught and got him everything with no sign of their decal anywhere.. Real classy brah
  7. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    Taught him everything? You are so clueless, so completely ignorant of the actual events. Go on huffing paint fumes.
  8. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    I'm sure he means that they taught him everything that he didn't learn when running his own program for, I don't know 10 or 15 years, plus working with Factory Honda, Ducati, and Kawasaki.
  9. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    Anyone trying to tell me something based on gossip about a guy who I regularly ride bicycles with, whom I've worked with, who lives 4 miles from my shop and I see all the time, whom my dog loves to death and that I've known for nearly twenty years and is one of my best friends is just ridiculous. I know the truth, and chadspaint isn't privy to it. Pure ignorant rambling.
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    So Rick, you're saying you don't know and paint dude might be right? :D
  11. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    That's how I took it.
  12. LukeLucky

    LukeLucky Well-Known Member

    I don't agree with the "need" to keep more formula rules in order to sell aftermarket parts to support the sport.

    First priority; there needs to be a sport people pay attention to.

    2nd; most series that go in a "more stock" direction usually make limits in parts like engine builds, ECUs allowed, spending caps, etc. almost none of that should impact 99% of the aftermarket industry. Bikes still use aftermarket suspension, exhausts, bodywork, brakes, seats, levers, rear sets, etc etc.

    Having a more "stock" series is necessary in difficult exonomic times to retain participation from the teams. Difficult economic times mean those aftermarket parts companies have smaller budgets as well, so they cannot continue to find racing when an economic downturn occurs.

    Now if a series runs more stock for a few years, an audience in North America is developed, and the economy rises... Then the natural profession is a more Superbike-rules series.

    It's a natural cycle.
  13. Tdub

    Tdub Say what???

    You are under the assumption that the teams in the AMA paddock even make a dent in the aftermarket scenario....
  14. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    We used to have club racers and street riders ask where we got that belly pan or which sprockets we used etc...
    It may not be a huge dent, but the influence on the overall market is present.
  15. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    This is true.

    That's whose out buying new bikes all the time. All the dorks that are getting into bikes to be a trendy fashion statement. Shit, most of the fastest club guys I know haven't bought a new bike in several years. They have a bike they bought a couple of seasons ago and finally have it setup right and are just maintaining engines and buying tires/fuel/etc. Not many guys I know of are buying a brand new bike to "re"-setup every season.

    The majority of guys I know who have started racing in the last couple seasons (myself included) buy a used already setup bike to race with.
  16. Tdub

    Tdub Say what???

    I was referring to the parts actually purchased by the paddock...not the sales they influenced.
  17. benprobst

    benprobst Well-Known Member

    You are out of your mind.
  18. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Perhaps, You don't actually Know as much as you think you do.:up:
  19. chadspaint

    chadspaint Well-Known Member

    Did Perry already know all the ins and outs of the Yamaha R6? Then Yamaha learned it from Perry? Perry taught the Yamaha race team how to win daytona.? I dont think so. Weather he knew everything before he worked as a Satalight Yamaha team or not. He should run a sticker
  20. chadspaint

    chadspaint Well-Known Member

    I painted for both of you. I thought you were cool. Perry is cool. But he did learn about the R6 From Yamaha. If he did not he would have to be ignorant.. But he is not ignorant. Yamaha Supplied the trick sh!t. Everything or not . He could not have won it without what he learned and Recieved from Yamaha's factory R6 program.

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