A 'convenience store' rant

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Metalhead, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    This just happened to me. It's all true. I'm not making this up. I am about to use some MAJOR profanity and UN-politically correct language. If You're sensitive to that stuff, I'd suggest you go back to 'the general' section.

    I just went to the convenience store to get some beer, and some gas for the lawnmower. After pumping the gas, I went in to get a twelver. I got in line behind two people. There were FOUR fat women working behind the counter. Three blue shirts (the peons), and one yellow shirt (dumbass in charge). They had ONE fucking register open, and the gal manning it, was the 'gal who makes bisquits'. Fuck.

    The first person in line was a woman buying a lottery ticket. She had to be over NINE hundred years old. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, and she paid for the damn thing WITH CHANGE, THAT TOOK HER EIGHT FUCKIN MINUTES TO COUNT OUT!!! "Fuck" I muttered to myself.

    Once the mummy shuffled by, this fat balding retard in high wasted 'short pants' with his Goddamed white 'calve length' socks pulled up tight, ambled up to the register and started complaining about the pump not taking his grocery card to get his discount. You know what the fuck that did? It made the four fatasses behind the counter go into FULL ON RETARD MODE!!!!!! They all stood there slack jawed staring at the dude as if he was paint drying. Then they all started looking at each other to see which one was gonna step up to the plate and try to help the dude out. The fat bisquit chick went for it. She started pushing buttons until the dude owed like NINE GODAMMED MILLION DOLLARS for his fucking gas. With my free hand, I face palmed.

    While this was going on, about six other people had got into line behind me. The dude directly behind me, kept fucking coughing with this nasty ass 'gargly' sound. Everytime he did it, it felt like he was coughing onto my left shoulder. I finally turned around after one fit and glared 'Clint Eastwood' style at his dumbass self. That fucker was ugly as fuck. He was all damned wrinkled and shit, and his eyes, teeth, and fingers were yellow from nicotene. Fuck he was nasty as fuck.

    THEN...the stupid fat yellow shirt FINALLY got the bright idea to open another register after like SEVEN FUCKING MINUTES OF STARING THE BISQUIT GIRL TRYING TO FIGURE SHIT OUT!!!!! FUCK!!!!! So, does she help me? Hell no. She sticks the REALLY fatass 'trainee' up to the register. She was fucking GROSS! She was like 5' 1" tall, and weighed A SOLD.....three twenty five. Her face was all mashed in like a Goddamed Pekinese inside a bulbous wad of flesh the size, and shape, of a fucking FRISBEE!!! And she had this horrid 'shl' sound when she said her 'esses'.
    Well, she ended up fucking up my order. She ended up charging me like $22.50 for a twelve of Bud Light. The fatass yellow shirt manager chick came over and fucked it up EVEN WORSE while trying to fix it. While this stupid shit was happeneing, the six people who had been in line behind me at 'bisquit girl's' register had already gone ALONG WITH...LIKE EIGHT FUCKING MORE PEOPLE!!!!! GODDAMIT!!!!!

    Well, the retards finally got it right. By my estimation, I'd been in ther for seventeen minutes trying to buy a 12 pack of cheapass beer. I was so spent from the emotional gambit that them four shlubs had put on me, I walked right into the path of a landscaping truck out in the lot, which caused him to honk his horn WHICH SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME CAUSING ME TO CHUCK MY TWELVE PACK FORWARD ABOUT FIFTEEN FUCKING FEET CAUSING TWO OF THEM TO BURST!!!!!!!

  2. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    So, before I delete this thread, what does that have to do with the dungeon?
    If you think this is the profanity section, you are misguided. So what am I missing?
  3. MCoop

    MCoop Trackhead Motorsports

    I didn't read one UN-politically correct thing in that whole story!

    You chucking the beer though made me spit on my monitor. :crackup:
  4. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Well, I guess I just needed to vent. I figured the folks here are of a 'thick skin' nature. I wouldn't think about posting up this in 'general' ever. So, if it's offensive, and profane, I guess I couldn't blame you for deleting it. In retrospect...it is kinda silly ain't it?:D

    I have calmed down a bit though. I had two of the remaining beers from the twelve pack. And I got my grass cut. It's all good.:)
  5. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

    For all that trouble, you should have bought a full case of beer.
  6. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    :D Fixed
  7. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

  8. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    As the world turns.....:crackup:
  9. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    So I was workin' down in the SC today and this asshole comes blasting into the store huffing and puffing and making nasty exasperated noises because some poor old lady wanted a lottery ticket. Can you believe it? This sweet little old lady had saved up all her change for her one treat in life and the douche bag couldn't even wait 5 minutes so she could count out the payment.

    His hemming and hawing got worse as another elderly regular, who just wanted to pay for his fuel, was having problems with the pump. I wasn't really sure how to help him so I asked my boss how to add in the grocery discount. The profanities coming out of this rude guy were insane!

    To make matters worse, my boss was training in a new co-worker who is from the mentally challenged work group, had her thyroid removed two weeks ago and was recovering from being struck by a vehicle. You would have thought someone blew up his house by the way he was acting when she was put on the register instead of my boss. The poor girl messed up his purchase and made him flip out even more.

    The best part of this was, as he walked out the door he almost got flattened by a truck. Dick.
  10. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot


    Good catch. I had to throw the box of spewing beer into the bed of the truck. Was I gonna take it back in and plead my case for another? No way.:D
  11. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    I think you should seek help for you obvious intolerence and insensitivity towards over-weight individuals. Blatant hatred and discrimination should not be tolerated.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Here is a good rule of thumb to follow, if you don't want to get surprised by a ban. If you feel a post is not appropriate for the general forum, and doesn't fall within the range of topics the dungeon was created for, send it to your friend in an e-mail. This isn't the adult section. Don't get fooled by the density of senior citizens.
  13. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

  14. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    You calling Orvis and Panther and Acree and beac83 and that bunch dense? That isn't nice.:tut:
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I love how you subtly tried to distance yourself from that crowd.
    And I'm just saying that there's a lot of you geezers in here. The fact that you're all dense is just a coincidence. :D
  16. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    Dang, so now we are Geezers..? :D
  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Thick somehow seems less offensive.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Not to the women I know.
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    To the best of my knowledge, none of the Geezers mentioned are women.
  20. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    You didn't specify who finds the words offensive.
    And by the way, it was geezer-on-geezer crime. The density I was originally talking about what the number of you guys in here. I wasn't the one who brought up your mental faculties. A geezer in denial did. :D

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