Brad Burns- AMA - DQ'd for cheating

Discussion in 'General' started by birdie56, Jul 16, 2012.

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    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    would that be worthy of "epic" or "bombshell" ??
  2. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    If you can forget the wire, what says you didnt forget the torque on the bolt.

    I have seen bikes roll up to tech (both at a TD AND at a race) with the front caliper mount bolts just finger spun a few threads into the holes, not even tight.

    I have never figured it out on the other forum (same software) but I thought it was unique IP views. But it cant be, because that private thread has way more views than that. So maybe the last thing you said. I know if you go into a thread a few times the count doesnt go up though
  3. SmokeSignalRT

    SmokeSignalRT Fat Member

    Saw a man loss his life because some "idiot" for got to torque/safety one of his drain bolts (idiot is a member on this bbs) I'd say its a pretty fucking big deal an there should be a fine and it wouldnt bother me if it was $100. This isnt tiddlywinks, people get hurt when you forget things. At the end of the day its the riders responsibility.

    Why is it at the end of the day most people want to put their responsibilities on someone else. I guess its just our society.
  4. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    He's quite cavalier about oil on the track, I doubt anyone that was out there in turn 6 that day thinks "shit's racing, not ballet".
  5. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.


    Wire your shit! Which bbs member is it? I never did figure it out. Dude needs to stay away from me. :tut:
  6. rugbymook

    rugbymook Under Construction

  7. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    Tell us the rumor about the track day and let us BEEBers decide
  8. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    I would not be happy if someone dropped a bunch of oil on the track and I tore my shit up because he or she was too busy BS'ing with their buddies to remember safety wire or "was in a hurry". Fines are totally appropriate. Paddock beatings are also appropriate but sadly not allowed. If you dont want to get fined then check your shit out before you hit the track. No excuses.
  9. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    I know for a fact that it wasn't. The guy that sold it to him (was a spare motor) wasn't even at the track since his wife was too busy having a baby!!
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So it was his partner not him?
  11. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    Must have been his parter? My very good friend of mine sold him the motor. I even had it at one point 2 years ago. We didn't even know if the motor ran which is why it was given to my buddy. He sold it to Brad not knowing what it was being used for. Plus he could care less what he was using it for since his baby was being born over the weekend and he could honestly just care less in general.
  12. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    The plot thickens. 10 more pages FTW
  13. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    dun dun dunnnn
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Might not be the same guy or motor since the guy who sold him the 750 told him to put it in because no one cared and a bunch of people were doing it anyway :crackup:
  15. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    Ask Melka. He's been looking for an R7 motor forever :clap:
  16. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    Same motor for sure!! My buddy told me "it was an Ex AMA Pro that talked him into using it". Not sure if he knows who though
  17. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    Are his initials "D" followed by a "L"??? :D
  18. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    easy now..
    Yea, have had a KWS 2mm motor since 07 (06 motor they did), rebuilt a each year, and it's fast as fuck. BUT.. i don't run it in supersport classes. Never have, never will. My 2 bikes have some things easy to spot the difference of. Like my superbike (Jensen's 08) has a blue Spiegler rear brake line, the ss bike (Day's 08) has a grey galfer rear brake line. Never you mind about the run off the corners. LOTS of guys I race with say it's usually quite obvious when i'm on the sb. Funny thing is, LAP TIMES are often very very close.
    Let that be a lesson to you wipper-snappers.. HP ain't everything, but cheating can fuck you up forever..

    I will do the Darrin Luck challenge too.. anytime anyone want's to protest me, put up an extra $1k. If i have a 2mm or otherwise cheater motor in ss, you get my bike. You loose? i get the extra $1k and the protest money. There. It's "public record" ;) I highly doubt someone of my caliber is gonna be the target of a protest, but I know how these internet things can get blown out of context. Sorry for the interruption of our regular program.

    Oh, and Scott .. (damnit, where is the double flip off smiley face??) anyway, insert smiley face double flip off :)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2012
  19. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    I'll see ya this weekend at PBIR bro if you're there
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