Brad Burns- AMA - DQ'd for cheating

Discussion in 'General' started by birdie56, Jul 16, 2012.

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  1. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Hope you didn't hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back there. :Poke::crackup:
  2. crazywolf450r

    crazywolf450r Well-Known Member

    Protest paper work is already filled out, Cuz.... Be careful :D
  3. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    It can simultaneously be your responsibility to have your bike safety wired and tech's responsibility to check for your safety wire. Their penalty and your penalty are not related. i.e. you can get fined, they can get yelled at/fired/ridiculed. Basically, tech is not your employee, and their obligation is not to you.
  4. Cajun Kid

    Cajun Kid Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna protest you in the mouth :p
  5. cannonballcobb

    cannonballcobb Registered Offender

    My engine development group relocated a few years back, from Italy to Austria, what can I say?

  6. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    I think Aussie cams would be from Australia. :Poke: :D
  7. cannonballcobb

    cannonballcobb Registered Offender

    Sean, help chuckbear please...
  8. crazywolf450r

    crazywolf450r Well-Known Member

    Mighty big talk fer a lil feller :D
  9. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    And the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour Freight.
  10. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    Ha :D
  11. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Something I once did in vintage was to track down the offender in his garage, hand him a broom and tell him to get his ass out on the track and help the CW's.
  12. Carnage R1

    Carnage R1 Well-Known Member

    Rumor has it a MD and PA guy cheat in the 600 class ....Engines built by the same guy.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Rumor always has it everyone who is fast is cheating - all depends on who you talk to in the paddock.
  14. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    Everyone cheating in racing comes from a long line of Guys.

    It's either Some Guy, That Guy, A Guy, This Guy.

    Those Guys (hey, another one!) sure do cheat a lot. And they always get called out on the internet. Oddly enough, it's very rare that anyone else ever does.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So I wonder how much truth there is in the rumor that the person who sold DA Brad the motor is also the one who ratted him out to the AMA over some pissing match bullshit at a track day?

  16. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A


    This thread might just hit the Red Limiter after all!!!:D

    Ride safe,
  17. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Right on, now this thread will have some legs.
  18. jiggy

    jiggy Active Member

    ~3,000 more views and we have a top 10 Thread of all time.
  19. Offtopic, but how are views counted? Like if i go back to the General section and then click on this thread again, does that count as another view? Or does it only count if i log off or close the forum and then login again and view it?
  20. caferace

    caferace No.

    You're a special case and are counted differently. You can't stop clicking even when your computer is off.


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