Cashing large checks???

Discussion in 'General' started by puckwhore, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    Would a bank have any issues cashing like a 50000.00 check?
    I would rather cash it at the bank its drawn from opposed to waiting for 7-10 days for it clear my bank.

  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Is it from Nigeria?:D
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I seriously doubt ANY bank will cash that check for you (by that I mean hand you cash) but I could be wrong.
  4. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    It would be best to let them know in advance of your intentions so they make sure to have the extra cash on hand. I cashed a 15K check before and that was the only thing they suggested.
  5. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    It can be done, but you're not just gonna walk up to the teller line and get it done.

    Open an account at the bank that the check is drawn upon and deposit it into that? Ask the bank if that will speed up the funds availability.
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I have delivered and received larger checks over the years, but all were deposited, not cashed. You might get them to cut you a cashiers check, but your bank might place a hold on that as well.

    IIRC, anything over $10k peaks the interest of the IRS. $50k might even raise a few eyebrows at other alphabet agencies.
  7. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    Why not just have the cashing bank do an EFT into your account. Might shorten up the time to just a day or so. That way the police can't sieze the money after you get caught speeding to the bank. :)
  8. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I've deposited a couple of 6, one close to 7, digit checks... (those were the days :( ) . Even depositing them, I was told that the funds would not be available for at least 5 business days as my bank waited for the check to clear. Actually CASHing them never crossed my mind.

    Plus, what would you really (legally) need with that kinda stck of greenbacks? Any transaction over 10K cash and there's paperwork that's 'supposed' to be filled out.
  9. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Is it illegal to stock pile cash? :confused:
  10. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    Along with my Russian bride! :)
  11. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Nope. But Acree brings up a valid point. After you cash it any further transaction in cash over 10,000.00 has to be reported to the IRS.
  12. puckwhore

    puckwhore Well-Known Member

    Don't think so. Not worried about feds, its a cash out refi check. I just need to close out some accounts before the first.
  13. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    No, but on the off chance you're stopped by the po-po, and your car is searched, you will never see that cash again regardless of its legitimacy and/or source. That's not a chance I'd be willing to take with that fat of a stack. Further discussion of this subtopic is likely dungeon material.
  14. atspeed

    atspeed Praying Member

    pulling out over $9999 cash triggers some unusual stuff by the feds that sometimes it is not worth having the record of

    oh yea, there is that other thing, something about "staging" some of the other more legalese minded guys may know, it is a money laundering term
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2011
  15. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    much easier to have it wiredin the firt place
  16. Do you mean cashing anything over $10k raises eyebrows, or depositing?
  17. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member


    It has happened before
  18. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    So, they can legally seize legal, traceable tender? Just like that?
  19. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Cashing. But, if its legal, I'm reporting it anyway.
  20. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    just have the payor wire transfer you the money if you want immediate fund availability.

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