WERA Classifieds.

Discussion in 'General' started by primo, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. primo

    primo Well-Known Member

    Well, I hate to say this but whoever is running the wera classified needs to do their job! After the last WERA race at Summit I wanted a new project for next year, so I wanted to sale my race bike. The first place I thought of to sell my bike was WERA. On Sep 24, I tried to post my bike for sale and after paying the 9.99, I got an error on the status saying "Awaiting payment.” First thing I did was to go to my PayPal and it stated payment complete. It also showed that money had been taken out of my bank account. At first I was not worried, but I have sent 3 emails to [email protected] and 1 email to [email protected] and still no response. My bike is still not listed to this day. It still states “Awaiting payment.” Not one person has taken the time to take care of a customer in need, but has found the time to post on forum. I’m sure if this is the way customers are being treated, than more people will leave WERA. Take care of us and we will take care of you!
  2. crazywolf450r

    crazywolf450r Well-Known Member

  3. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I don't see payments but it's still listed as "awaiting payment" on my screen.
  5. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    Explain the unanswered emails Davek! EXPLAIN THE EMAILS!!!!

  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I have no emails, that answer the questions? lol!
  7. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Good looking bike and nicely written ad. :up:

    Still not approving it until I get confirmation of payment though. No bucks, no ad.
  9. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    I blame PayPal.
  10. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    Anybody ever heard of PayPal transaction ID?

    I use Paypal for all my online business and do about 3000 transactions per year. They have NEVER fucked one up. Sometimes they hold a payment for review for 24-48 hours, but they notify me before, during and after the review.
  11. DangerZone

    DangerZone CAUTION!

    Take care of noting corrections and perhaps you might get taken care of. After payment of course. :Poke:
  12. primo

    primo Well-Known Member

    Wow, I made a simple mistake. At least I know how to write complete sentences.

    "After payment of course." - Can we say fragment?

    Can we stop with the English lesson now? At least I have a reason, since English is my second language. What's your excuse?

  13. primo

    primo Well-Known Member

    I have the transaction ID from Paypal, would you like me to email it to you? Please give me your email address, since you have not received my other emails.

  14. crazywolf450r

    crazywolf450r Well-Known Member

    I haz emailzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!
  15. BrianC636

    BrianC636 Well-Known Member

    This made me LOL. :D
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Sorry, not sure where the email went, email me again and I'll get it handled and refund the paypal. [email protected]
  17. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    son of a...

    This is exactly the kind of situation described in the preGNF doldrums thread, and you done messed it up. You're supposed to fly off the handle and give us a day's worth of entertainment bitching back and forth. Get on the ball and edit your post and mine to correct this, ASAP.
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Just a favor to ask of people posting items in Wanted: Please put WTB at the beginning of the title? Saves me a few minutes of searching and editing.

    and don't try and sneak shit you're selling into the Wanted section, it doesn't work. All is does is piss me off and make you look stupid. Thanks!
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    So it's win/win. :clap:
  20. ZxMoke

    ZxMoke Well-Known Member

    Still no edit and it's friday?

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