98 s10 radiator fix

Discussion in 'General' started by tunawest, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

  2. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    Yeah i tried stop leak hence the brownish color in the following pics from it being sprayed back out. Just re did some jb welding. Hope it holds for a week or 2

  3. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    Last one I bought was only about $100 and was easy to replace. It was a 1989 S10 but it was years ago.
  4. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    yeah, Im hopefully going to have one this week. I just had the JB weld laying around and was bored. It didnt work. Its still fucking leaking. Although the JB weld did hold, I might just need to add more on the other side. But I dont feel like taking it apart again to access the area, as its like 100 degrees outside

    I could send that pic to white trash repairs hahaha
  5. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    is that a trans/oil cooler line going in there?
  6. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    Yeah :wow:

    No bueno
  7. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    Rock auto FTW!

    Just ordered it for $97 shipped. Yeah i got the cheapest one i could find, just need something now.

    Cheapest local i found was like $160ish

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