The Earth is how old???

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by cgordon3, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Thistle

    Thistle Well-Known Member

    I really don't care.... :D
  2. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

    Biblical Geneology. If you add all the numbers to present day they equal between 5-6 thousand years.

    Take into account God made the earth in 6 days ( Presumed to be sequential) then there you go... Earth is about 6,000 years old.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    Not exactly. Like I said God is not two dimensional and time as we know it may not be his time line

    "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

    3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day."

    Who is to say that between verse three and four that there was not X amount of time there?

    He created day and night and then it was the first day
  4. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

    My post was in response to how my friends come up with the 6000 number.

    I agree with you. Time is very relative to us, but not God
  5. six6two

    six6two AWD

    I don't understand why Christians or atheist get so bent out of shape about how old the earth is, or weather or not the big bang happened. First off, no one will ever be able to prove either. It's almost like they're trying to prove each other wrong using theories that, no matter the outcome, don't prove or disprove the other's beliefs. As for the Christians that claim it's definitely close to 6000 years old, I don't know about you guys, but last time I checked the bible is extremely open to interpretation, so what makes you think the way you see it is more "right" than the way anyone else does?
  6. six6two

    six6two AWD

    Time is relative to speed.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    Man speaks the truth
  8. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That wasn't the question. I don't care about what the official story says but I still have my opinion.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    Only in our dimension and our way of thinking
  10. six6two

    six6two AWD

    The Bible isn't based on faith or science. I believe that the Bible is based on God's relationship with mankind. Some people believe that someone made it all up to manipulate a lot of people. It calls for faith, and most of it can be "backed up" by science. What we don't understand, is where faith comes into play... that is, for those who chose to believe it.
  11. six6two

    six6two AWD

    If God is not bound by time, how does it exist in "His" dimension.

    Edit: I guess this really depends on your definition of time.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    Why would God be bound by anything. That takes the godly part out of it. Anyone who believes in God knows that he can be anywhere at any time. But that anytime I speak of is our time. If God is all knowing and all powerful then He has no bounds.
  13. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That's really not all that impressive. Be everywhere at all times, and now you're talking serious ninja stuff.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    very serious ninja stuff :crackup:

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    How can it not be faith based? Science is from humans and humans are not perfect. So if you believe in all science then you need faith in the people who came up with the science.

    What was it

    Titanic... The unsinkable ship built by people using technology of their time

    It sunk
    But someone had faith in the people who built it with science

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    It killed fewer people than the latest tsunami brought to you by intelligent design.
  18. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    The big bang happened. That is a fact. Turn your radio to the end of the dial and part of that static is the cosmic microwave background radiAtion from it.

    It's before And why that's debatable. But don't worry, it'll get sorted eventually
  19. six6two

    six6two AWD

    That's a theory. I think it did, but it's definitely not a fact just because no one else has a better idea of what happened. I took a massive dump this morning. THAT is a fact.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    Intelligent design did not create the tsunami. The lack of caring for the earth created it. At one time the world was perfect, then sin came in and made it imperfect.

    You would think that the all knowing science division would have built things to withstand a tsunami. But like I said those scientists are human and make mistakes

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