Call of duty Black Ops Zombie addicts

Discussion in 'General' started by Alexdouble-R, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    PS3 name: THE-RACER-884

    Kino Der Toten:

    I'm sure most of you know by now but there's this 3 weapon glitch I just heard of and wanna try ASAP.
    So this is what I found on the forums and on Youtube, I heard that you will lose one of the 3 weapons if u decide to pack a punch but what if u already have 2 weapons with the upgrade and try the glitch after? My guess is that u will keep the 2 existing weapons with the upgrades and get to pick another weapon am I right?
    Another Q was; once u've done the glitch can u exchange weapons and continue to have 3?

    Way to do it #1

    1. Make your way to the Bowie Knife on Kino Der Toten with at least 3000 dollars, and a crawler zombie.

    2. Allow the zombie to hit you once.

    3. Buy the Bowie Knife after the zombie hits you once.

    4. While your character is twirling the knife in his hands, allow the crawler to hit you again, downing you. (For this to work, you must not have Juggernaut)

    5. Have a friend revive you, and if done correctly, you will not be holding a weapon.

    6. Go to the box, or buy a weapon off the wall, and you should have that weapon as your third weapon.

    The only limitations to this glitch are that to start the glitch, you have to already have two weapons, and both of the weapons have to be not a pistol. If you are downed with a pistol, such as the Ray Gun, your character will pull out that pistol while in last stand, and the glitch will not work. Also, after you do the glitch correctly, you will be unable to stab zombies. You will not have a knife at all, and you will not be able to purchase the Bowie knife again.

    Way to do it #2 :D

    2 guys blow themselfs, u aim @ his face, u get revived while holding Square, then when u get revived u automaticlly revive the other person, then u (if done right) have no gun, and u buy 1 and u got 3

    To find the Yotube videos I was trying to show u guys just search for Kino Der Toten 3 weapon glitch.

    So what you guys got? Please help :D
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2011
  2. tito

    tito Well-Known Member

    If I didn't knwo better this post looks like spam......
    as for what I have.... I have a lot of stuff what do you want?
  3. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Not Spam at all man check out my profile, I post everyday and a good amount of people know me. even Mongo is lucky enough to know me, I even told him hello one day, He was surprised LMAO
  4. cobra2497

    cobra2497 Well-Known Member

    youtube video = ban bye bye
  5. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    definitely spam.
  6. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    C*** didnt know. will remove them then

    they've bee removed ;)
  7. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the heads-up :up:
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2011
  8. tito

    tito Well-Known Member

    Alex....I know you are a user on the forum, I have seen a lot of your posts, I was just trying to say that your post looks a lot like the spam posts we get on the board from time to time. or someone hijacked your username to post videos.....
  9. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

    Anybody got Black Ops for the Wii?
  10. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    I call spam!

  11. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    I feel you mannng :up:
  12. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Well NO SPAM here so post up if you know something about this!!!

    Thank you lol
  13. Country_boy_88

    Country_boy_88 Well-Known Member

    not spam. Just someone who plays COD.

    havent tried the glitch on xbox but dont plan to either since i dont play zombies that much and well the glitch seems to complex and pointless.

    Have you played the whitehouse zombie map yet?
  14. RedEIKO0713

    RedEIKO0713 you like noodles? fapfap

    zombie is ridiculous. if you NEED a walkthrough to learn how to survive, it's too much. i like the little shooter that you can unlock at the main menu by breaking out of the chair, but someone had to show me that. ridiculous!
  15. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Yes I tried it and dont really like it.
    The glitch isn't pointless, once u are like in level 25 plus it's hardto get MAX AMMO and stuff and since the zombies are really hard to kill and extra weapon with full ammo will really help a bunch.
  16. T-Roc

    T-Roc Well-Known Member

    After 25 it gets really hard. I dont play alot of zombies but if I do I usually end up playing for hours. I play alot of team deathmatch and free for all and some headquarters and S&D.

    my PS3 name is:
  17. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    I got bored playing it after they patched the table glitch. That thing was great, I got up to level 42 I think it was :D

    At that point I literally ran out of bullets it takes so many to kill them.
  18. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    U sent me a friend request right?
  19. Alexdouble-R

    Alexdouble-R Well-Known Member

    Yeah according to the pros u just gotta keep running slowly in circles then when u have a ton of them coming at u turn one of the electric doors on and thats really the only thing that kills them, I believe that even the thunder gun doesnt kill them.
    The bad thing about the electric door is that u will have more zombies coming out from ahead of u but not that many.

    I tried the 3 GUN GLITCH last night several times and it didnt work, is it patched? maybe I'm just missing something because on every youtube vdeo they say "if done correctly", it seems simple but maybe there is timing inolve that they dont mention/.
  20. crepitus

    crepitus I gots nuthin

    Yep. Just started playing it. The Wii pointer aiming for a FPS Takes alot of getting used to but can be really quick and accurate. I will eventually like it alot.

    Haven't figured the zombie level out yet. Played it a couple times. Never got more than one kill before they got me. I suck.

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