Does anybody know deadbeat racer Bill Kotinek or his wife Mary Kotinek #187?

Discussion in 'General' started by D-Swens, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. Newb2

    Newb2 плохие люди сосут

    Illusory contract defined: :Poke:

    Did you find your law school like I found my computer training school? I'm just giving you s&%t

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. GoodKnight

    GoodKnight Well-Known Member

    So... any updates?
  3. LWGP

    LWGP Well-Known Member

    that doesn't mean a thing. a contract where there is no meeting of the minds is not a contract.

    show me a case where a contract was shown to be "illusory". It's not something i've ever seen plead as a cause of action in a contract case.

    It's a bunch of law school bullS#$t.
  4. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Oh my God... you guys are killing me with your law bullshit and shit. :crackup:
  5. LWGP

    LWGP Well-Known Member

    WERA BBS - lawyers entertainin' lawyers!
  6. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    The entertainment is "illusory."

    Please post bewbies.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Okay lawyers, I need a very very basic will and a power of attorney - got any sites where I can print out something for free and just fill in the proper blanks and get it signed?

    Would it be easier to just download Quicken Wills and use them? The money really isn't that big of a deal but speed and keeping a tiny amount of money and stuff out of probate is.
  8. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    No. Gotta pay the lawyers. Forget the on-line stuff.

    Stay alive 'til Tally and we'll take care of it then. :D
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No can do, she'll be gone middle of next week most likely and not mentally capable by the end of the weekend at the latest. I know the online isn't pretty but all I need is basically legal, there won't be anyone to contest it either, just trying to keep the courts from being involved.
  10. Newb2

    Newb2 плохие люди сосут

    “An illusory contract is an agreement in which one party gives consideration that is so insignificant that an actual obligation cannot be imposed.” See the published case here.

    Gee, you don't have to be a lawyer to find these things, Google works nicely.:p
  11. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Sean, sorry, I thought you were talking about you. Check WERA at WERA dot Com in about five minutes.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nah not me yet, boss ladies mom. Not all that unexpected but we never realized she didn't have anything done paperwork wise. Boss lady and I definitely need to get our shit together too though. You do estate stuff right?
  13. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    KWS will build me a motor with just a handshake??:D
  14. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Mongo....Doyle told me to do "legal zoom" and send it to him to proof it.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Cool, may use that option. Thanks.
  16. Spitz

    Spitz Well-Known Member

    Im sure with a few benjamins in between it would be no questions asked. :beer:
  17. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Mongo, check your e-mail.
  18. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    OK enough of this "do gooder" BS and get back to vilifying Mr.Mrs. dead beats:D

    Serious note: sorry to hear about you mom-n-law Sean. prayers.
  19. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    +1 for you and D-Swens

    The legal system fucks my company out of a good 30K per year regardless of the paperwork. Some years more, some years less. People don't wanna pay= You ain't gonna get paid. End of story.

    Apparently my company has become a loan agency now.

    Legalized ass kicking would carry much further than any dipshit in a $2000 suit and 75K in law school bills.

    I've lost all my respect for corporate lawyers and law enforcement in general. They've done nothing in my life but create more problems each year.

    D-Swens: Good luck to ya. Apparently some people think you're supposed to spend $1500 on paperwork for every $500 paint job.

    For what it's worth. You'll be painting my next set.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  20. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    Damn it, I read this whole damn thread expecting to see that Andrew was victorious in his collections........:Poke:

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