"Army Disinvites Graham to Prayer Service"

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by eric hunter, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I never said anything close to that - nor was your original post anything along those lines. You got pissy about my Christian comment and tried to say all Muslims are bad and no Christians have done anything in recent history, I merely gave an example of a Christian who did. What the hell does you thinkinng all Muslims are evil have to do with protecting America? We have Muslims in the military putting their lives on the line to protect our country every day, how does that fit into your vision of all Muslims are going to kill us?

    What drugs are you on? I'm pretty sure the people I know getting shot at in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't practicing a non-violent approach. I also know that a very small minority of the Muslims they deal with are the ones attacking them. The 9/11 thing is cute but religion was merely an excuse, it was not the actual reason for the attack. It doesn't matter what religion they profess to believe in when it is being used for evil. Hitler said he was Christian - yet I don't think all Christians want to eradicate every Jew on earth. Just as the terrorists profess to be Muslim yet I don't think every Muslim wants to kill off every American.

    No you don't want to argue - especially since your myopic views are way too easy to prove wrong.
  2. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Sorry Diest are not Christians and do not believe in God the same as Christians do. No matter how many times or how long Christians want to lie and say this county was founded on Christianity it is still a lie.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Same God the Muslims worship. Same God the Jews worship... Big ass glitch in the matrix :D
  4. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I've always looked at the fanatics of the Muslim faith, Left wing faith, and right wing faith, as basically, the same. There's not a whole lot of reasoning attached to any of them. :)
  5. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Rabbi Season
  7. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Oy Vey!
  8. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    This is going off my memory but I believe Hitler said in Mein Kampf that he was Christian but then declared Nazism the religion of Germany and then replaced all the bibles in the schools with Mein Kampf. Not sure what that shows.
  9. blueduc37

    blueduc37 Well-Known Member

    This country was founded primarily by people who professed to be Christians (in word and deed, politically). So far, despite it's flaws it has turned out pretty well. It was designed by these founders specifically to be oriented toward Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and on the belief (assumption if you like) that we are endowed by our Creator with rights to pursue those things.

    There are a few other civilizations founded on ideals vs. language/culture/borders, and several forms of government based strictly on belief: Communism, Socialism, Fundamental Islam.

    Can anyone name one of those others that has produced the quality of life this one has? Or one that has benefited the entire planet the way this one has?

    Those who constantly criticize this country forget where the planet would be without us: Europe would be split between Moscow/Communist and Berlin/Nazi Fascist, China would have no one to buy their stuff, Africa would be starving and even more overrun with disease than it is.

    We are not evil as a country. We are not imperialists. We do way more good than harm. What other country or political philosophy can say that?
  10. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I'm confused by one of the statements? When did the Muslim religion become our enemy. I wasn't aware that the Muslim religions was who we are fighting and who has blown up our men.
  11. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    There it is again, the lie that never goes away. Most of the founding fathers of this country were diest, which are not Christian, at least not in the way you are saying they were Christian.

    Diest do believe there is a creator, but they also believe this creator does not care or intervene in our day to day lives. IIRC they don't even believe in heaven or hell.
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I know this will come to you as a shock but there are people in other countries who are very happy with the quality of their life and don't envy anyone else. Furthermore, there are tens of millions of Americans who may not share your views on what quality of life means. It all depends on who you're asking.
  13. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I dunno, man. Take a rich communist and a homeless Christian and ask both of them.
  14. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

    Yes it was. They were Christians that did not believe the same as England and its king did. This is one of the basic reasons they left England so they could escape the views of the church.
  15. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

    This is true. One thing our country fails to do is take care of its own before rushing off to help someone half a world away.

    I would love an example of those people in those countries who are happy. No argument and I am sure there are people out there but I wonder how large a group and the percentage of the people in those countries we are talking about
  16. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

    Whatever dude. Hitler was no Christian and A christian that wanted to destroy all Israelis would be a fool since they are the chosen people of God
  17. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    You need to travel a bit... Look up 'Happiest Citizen'. You'll find out about Denmark.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That was going to be my suggestion as well.
  19. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Ya might want to see this link for an accurate counting of the religion of our founders.

  20. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member


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