Lou Holtz

Discussion in 'General' started by KillerCam, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. KillerCam

    KillerCam KillerCam Racing

    I was working a event today and the key note speaker was Lou Holtz. Very good time, I enjoyed hearing the Coach and his thought's and Football stories.
  2. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    Going to the USLacrosse convention tomorrow in Baltimore. He's the keynote speaker tomorrow night. Can't wait to hear what he has to say. Will have to compare notes.
  3. random hero

    random hero Banned

    not being a dick in any way.... But was he hard to understand in person? I find him really enjoyable, seems like a super guy but I find him hard to understand on television, almost like he's had a stroke, or has some type of speech issue.
  4. KillerCam

    KillerCam KillerCam Racing

    He does have a speech issue, that just makes his speech that much more impressive. The man is truly amazing to hear and think about what he is saying in his message.:cool:
  5. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    I have been to one of his seminars and he is impressive. He has a bunch of one liners and quotes that stick with you. He was telling one story about a reporter that was asking him about the pressures of big time college football. Its been awhile but his reply to the reporter went something like this. Son.let me tell you what pressure is. Pressure is when you have 5 kids at home and you get layed off at the steel mill. That's pressure,football is a game.One of the funnier ones i remember him saying was when asked pre season about a rough schedule coming up he said, I looked at the schedule,went to bed and slept like a baby,i woke every 2 hours crying.He can wear a little thin sometimes, but all in all a good man.
  6. KillerCam

    KillerCam KillerCam Racing

    Yes, he had that one. I one I liked was he was in a restaurant and the waiter said, what is the difference between Cherios and S.C. ? Cherios belongs in a Bowl. He said that pissed him off. He called the waiter over and said Son what does professional golf and Lou Holtz have in common ? Professional golfers give Tipps Lou Holtz doesn't. Great stuff.:D
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2010
  7. Booty Freak

    Booty Freak Well-Known Member

    Lou sounds like a drunk. How many National titles did
    he win, maybe one at Notre Dame. I know people think Lou is a great
    motivational speaker, but I wouldn't sit down & listen to him if you gave
    me a free ticket. Here is one of my favorite Lou sayings

    "Why should I like drinking water?? I don't want to drink anything
    that has no flavor & tastes like shit." :beer:
  8. KillerCam

    KillerCam KillerCam Racing

    And how many Titles have you won ? Ok have a drink on me. How hard do you think it is to win a National Title ? If it was easy you would be giving me your ticket to your Bowl game that you were coaching. Drunk.
  9. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    He spoke at the Yamaha dealer show a few years back.

    Great speaker.

    His book is good, too.
  10. Booty Freak

    Booty Freak Well-Known Member

    None. I just don't believe in motivational speakers. I
    do believe in real life inspirational stories. Lou is a great speaker.
    They are far more successful coaches than Lou too. I guess I'm just
    one of those type of guys who will not admire a man so much that
    I need to buy a ticket to hear him speak when I can listen for free on
    ESPN. :rolleyes:
  11. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    Really? You do realize he is 8th on the all time wins list in NCAA FBS football.
  12. kyle carver

    kyle carver Well-Known Member

    I think he and Jimmy V only missed being at State by a year or so. Now that would have been a pair.
  13. DamnYankee

    DamnYankee Well-Known Member

    1975 was Holtz's last season at N.C. State. Coach V's first season was 1980. But State did have a great football coach during Coach V's tenure: Dick Sheridan. He was the football coach from 1986 to 1992, went to 6 bowl games and won 2 of them. He left State with a record of 52 wins, 29 losses and 3 ties.
  14. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    Just got back from Baltimore. Saw Lou on Friday night. Better sense of comedic timing than most comics I've seen. Preaches a message of confidence, love, and responsibility. Has an infectious enthusiasm that pumps you up. And truly seems to love life. I could have listend to him all night.

    Did I mention that he was hilarious?

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