Brno, CZ | WSBK 2009 (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General' started by caferace, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Yama-saurus

    Yama-saurus Well-Known Member

    what if I spot you some tix ????? :Poke:
  2. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Funny...doesn't make it better...but funny.
  3. Coke in can

    Coke in can Banned

    Well said. Ban him for life? wow...

    Biaggi has proven to be a much better person these days, And Spies has shown that it's him, not the yamaha that's winning races.

    Now if you can get elbows on that Ape...
  4. caferace

    caferace No.

    It took you this long to notice? :wow:

  5. AndyR1

    AndyR1 Well-Known Member

    Fabrizio got a little to anxious and screwed up. Sucks for Ben.

    Ben still made up a good bit of points on Nori.
  6. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Ruben broke his femur in that crash. Maybe worse but that's all I heard for certain. His season is done then. Who will ride the second BMW? Great ride from Corser btw.
  7. random hero

    random hero Banned

    Steve Martin.... come on doooooooown:up: On a side note, Xaus is great at destroying bikes, it seemed every impact that bike had it shrunk down 3x the original size... That thing looked to be 100% destroyed, bad place to go down!
  8. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Lol I can see the BMW big wigs looking at each other, "Who's idea was this superbike thing anyway?"
  9. Coke in can

    Coke in can Banned

    more along the lines of, "Did you look at Ruben's resume before we hired him? He's nearing 100+ destroyed bikes!"
  10. caferace

    caferace No.

    I'll betcha he's on the bike after the break.. :D

  11. caferace

    caferace No.

    Actually, Xaus has been relatively crash-free this year, compared to the past. Maybe they tied bonuses in to it, but I've been impressed. :up:

  12. Oak

    Oak Thiamist Altar Boy

    This is great I need to remember to use that everytime I speak about the gay one. :p
  13. Sevenfiddy

    Sevenfiddy Well-Known Member

    Good to see Corser lead a race again. Haga is one tough SOB. Can't wait for the next round! And yes, the WSS race was great!
  14. Stogie

    Stogie Banned

    So you are saying that Ben would have won all those races and AMA champs had he been on any other bike besides the Suzuki? He obviously has a GREAT crew that knows how to build and set up a bike, it will be fun to watch him battle with Rossi next year.
  15. Desmorosso

    Desmorosso Well-Known Member

    Ben would be faster on the Aprilia. Aprilia is a great bike, Yamaha is a shit bike and holds him back. Agreed, Stogie?
  16. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Not watching much BSB these days huh? In true Superbike trim the R1 is phenomenal this season.

    Ben would be winning on a 1125zxsr if it was in wsbk.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Eh, he didn't say anything out of line, she knows she has us all scared :D
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    N8! :)
  19. Stogie

    Stogie Banned

    Too many puffs before passing bro! Too many puffs!
  20. ckruzel

    ckruzel Graphicologist Xtremeist

    i was pretty stoked over the results of the weekend, i'm a spies fan an a biaggi fan, just wish spies didnt get taken out since he's in the championship i would have been happy with biaggi doing a double runner up spot but since spies was taken out i was really happy to see that bike on the top spot of the podium. spectacular crash by xaus at least the bike anyway, hope he is ok

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