Northern Trust Bank gets $1.5B Bailout

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Their celebrations hath incurred the Wrath of MoDo:

    Sheryl Crow?? That is more offensive than the Merril Lynch guy spending $30,000 of your tax dollars for something to poop in. :D
  2. cattitori

    cattitori Code SuperBike Galactic *

    Yeah, E,W&Fire pull an estimated $250K-350K for such a gig+ Chicago, and Crow, and flying hundreds of them out there to stay in 5* joints for 4 days.

    Anybody hear an estimate for the entire shin-dig?
  3. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I believe that the bank had signed a contract, and paid for, sponsoring the golf tournament back a couple of years ago so it wasn't paid for with TARP money. This is, in fact, the second year of their sponsoring the tournament. This idea of being really offended by the actions of these banks has grown pretty silly. Their spending is considered part of the cost of doing business so what's the big deal?
  4. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    The BIG DEAL is that while we don't want to Socialize the banks, we do want to tell `em what they can and can't do...
  5. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    that and sponsoring a golf tourney is not the problem. Its all the friggin partying and flying execs out and such. the proper thing to do when on the public dole would have been to reduce their commitment to the absolute minimum allowed by their contract with the golf tourney.

    more crooks from the banking industry, surprise.
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Chicago can pull $100k for a show? :wow:
  7. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    That, and the fact that the bailout money is meant to free up credit, not reward employees who have screwed up.

    The stress tests are being done on the healthiest banks first. When they get to the insolvent ones, nationalization will happen very suddenly. By the time you read about it, it will already be done.
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    What about the employees laid off in December, do they get a gift bag from Tiffanys?

    Funny, it's TMZ that's giving the reports on this. The normal media outlets are quiet.
  9. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

    Are they giving the money back to the gov't?
  10. rugbymook

    rugbymook Under Construction

    The minute the banks took bailout money they were Socialized and thus should be held a little more accountable with "our" money.

    If a solvent bank didn't take one dime of bailout money i could care less if they had Bruce Springsteen and Tiffany swag.

    There is a difference.
  11. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    Yep. There are a lot of sad, old douchebags in this country who still like to "rock" to Chicago.

  12. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    If the government and "the people" can tell companies how to act and operate after accepting federal funds then how come there are no strings attached to welfare? Why is not OK to decide what is acceptable behavior for someone living off tax payers?
  13. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    I used to work with a "hip" fifty something who highlight of each year was when Chicago and/or Loggins would come to town. :rolleyes:
  14. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    That's a very good point, Strick. I must admit, I never took the government bailout concept that far.
  15. Buster

    Buster Well-Known Member

    so are you guys saying that there are NO restrictions on welfare recipients for receiving benefits?
  16. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Are they drug-tested every month?

    What restrictions do they have now?
  17. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I was a Chicago fan back in the day but damn that's a lot of jack for an old band like that.

    We don't pay anywhere close to that for country bands to come to the club I work at.

    Once they get a handful of top 10 hits they start hitting that range but rarely before that.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Do you know how much it costs for health insurance for these guys?
  19. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2009
  20. Buster

    Buster Well-Known Member

    Are we drug-testing CEOs whose companies have been bailed out?

    As far as welfare is concerned, there are restrictions that vary from state to state.

    In a related area, I have read about entire families being evicted from public housing because one of the family members was involved in the drug trade or other illegal activities.

    Bottom line, we are already telling people who are living off taxpayers what they can and cannot do. I'm not complaining about that...just stating that it's already happening.

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