Media ban on soldier's caskets

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Generally there is extensive media coverage here and in the UK also, so everyone gets a chance to show their respect. Many families like having their sons publicly honoured. If casualties are heavy that doesn't mean showing caskets is propaganda. In fact my opinion is just the opposite, the cost of war is something we should always be reminded of and what's really shameful is the gov't trying to sanitize that.

    Obama and Gates are considering lifting the ban but opinions still seem to be mixed. So long as each family is given the option of privacy, what is the objection?
  2. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

    Excellent point. I think that many Americans have actually forgotten about the brave soldiers (from all nations) that lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because it's not on the front pages anymore doesn't mean that it's all roses over there.

    Personally, I've lost two close friends over there. I'm damn bitter about how the previous administration handled the entire thing. :down:
  3. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    I'd say the people actually paying the price know.
  4. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    For sure, but we are the ones asking them to pay.
  5. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    They are volunteers who knew the risks; pretty sure they felt it was worth it.

    GAMBLER Neard supporter

    my cocksucking lefty neighbor had some political bullshit sign in his yard

    it had the picture of flag draped caskets on it

    he HAD the sign for about 10 minutes
  7. hawkdriver

    hawkdriver Active Member

    This is typical, the death toll slows down and now we get a new way to remember the "cost" of war. What a bag of shit media we have, no good news stories supporting the troops just more propaganda. Nothing about the men and women who are willing to pay the ultimate price for freedom. How does the image of a casket honor any one, like I said typical BS from the media and politicians.
  8. Typical right wing action of do as I say, not as I do. AKA being tough on crime (even victimless ones) and then stealing.
  9. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I used to send out the Houston Chronicles Remembrance page before it got so big the Legacy Project took it over. Simple fact is these folks who pound their chest "I'm an Uhmurrican!" can't look at the face of the 19 or 20 yr old who died for them. It's shameful is what it is. I've been of the opinion before anyone goes spouting off their belief on war they should first look at who the f&&k they are talking about. Seriously, it's the least a citizen could do before throwing their 2 cents in.
  10. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    We would have less wars, shorter wars and less dead kids if the public was not being shielded from the ugly (human and financial) costs.

    I saw a guy panhandling yesterday with a sign (wounded vet, please help). He seemed legit, looked to be in his late 20s and clean cut. I gave him a few dollars while the light was red, everyone else just ignored him.
  11. Well put steeltoe.

    GAMBLER Neard supporter

    apolitcal here. demopublicans just fingers of the same hand, the hand in my wallet. I do take it personal when this imagery is used for political douche baggery.

    my neighbor was a tool before the sign. don't get me started on how many times I've had to take a dump on his porch.
  13. SVbadguy

    SVbadguy I survived the Mt Course

    You know those flag-draped-coffins-inside-the-plane- photos that are always mentioned?

    Well they are ROUTINELY used in Al-Qa'ida video propaganda. Had I come back from Afghanistan or Iraq in a box I sure as hell wouldn't want to end up a tool of terrorist propaganda. Even images that don't draw up so much controversy find there way into the videos and electronic publications.

    There are better ways of recognizing the sacrifices. Look at the person as they lived life, who they were, not how they returned home in a coffin.
  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Who the fuck is being shielded from it? That's a stupid statement.

    The guy was probably a fake just like the one down the road here in Burlington, MA. :rolleyes:
  15. jschmidt

    jschmidt Well-Known Member

    I think we're obligated to look at the people we send to die on our behalf.
  16. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    BTW, what was the media ban? Did they keep the media from covering the bodies coming back or what?
  17. bardo

    bardo Well-Known Member

    yes as the bodies came back from overseas to dover air force base. G. Bush I made the ban because of high casualty expectations of kuwait. he had the military support because it is more of an industrial proceedure than cerimonial at that point. crates and forklifts, etc.
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    IIRC, the ban was initiated by Bush 41, carried over by Clinton and Bush 43.
  19. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    I think we're obligated to more than just looking at them. I think we owe it to them to finish the job, not tuck tail and run away making their sacrifices meaningless.
    I think we as a nation are obligated to do the right thing by their families for that sacrifice and make sure they are provided for before cutting checks to nations that hate us despite the funding/aid we send.
    I think we as citizens should always be mindful that that sacrifice is what keeps this nation free and has for over 200 years. I feel that most do not when opening their mouths. Most spout about the freedom to speak and live the way they choose having no idea of what it took to provide that freedom nor do they respect those that have protected it for them. Its sad but very true.

    Look, yes. I do believe its more than just a passing glance that's required of a citizen.
  20. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    Is that why all the republicans around me in traffic pretended not to see him?

    Because he "was probably" a fake!

    But- What if he wasn't a fake?

    What if the fresh 18" long scar on his abdomen did come from a service related injury? Isn't it better to help the guy... just in case he is for real. You do support the troops, right?


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