California Prisons

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    I fear this will not end well..

    All you Arpaio fanboys have at it. ;)
  2. Smokes35

    Smokes35 Well-Known Member

    Word on the streets is we're sending them all to Canada...
  3. wsmcrobert

    wsmcrobert Well-Known Member

    a couple of years ago arnold made attempts to reduce overcrowding by subcontracting with other states for the imprisonment of some of the inmates. the inmates would voluntarily move to othere state's prisons. the inmantes who wanted to stay in california would not be forced to go to other states. the prison guard union threatened a lawsuit and threatened to mount an impeachment campaign and brought whatever other pressures they could bear (mostly lobbying democrats) and the program was abandoned.
  4. ViperRy

    ViperRy Highsiding to the moon

    Wouldn't the prison guard union want less inmates for their own safety or are they worried about loss of jobs? I'm just not sure I understand their logic behind the disagreement.
  5. Donkey1

    Donkey1 Well-Known Member

    Wow its already started, I know all of them wont go out and commit crimes again but I wonder what percentage will.
  6. Smokes35

    Smokes35 Well-Known Member

    there's your answer.
  7. wsmcrobert

    wsmcrobert Well-Known Member

    it's all politicised. i think the unions did'nt want to let the precident be set for housing inmantes out of state, because then the cost savings would be aparent and soon a lot more would be sent out of state and the union would lose power. they are a very powerful union here in california and the guards get pretty high pay.
    anyway, leave it to the politicians to drive us right off the cliff! :down:
  8. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Where in the constitution is the constitutional level of medical and mental health care defined?
  9. Donkey1

    Donkey1 Well-Known Member

    Its in the well do what ever the hell we want section because were government and dont have to answer to anyone.
  10. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    Yet another reason California is screwed....what else is new?
  11. Hamilton

    Hamilton Well-Known Member


    You can say that again
  12. gothicbeast

    gothicbeast Back by court order

    Hummm... maybe that 3 strikes rule did not turn out to be such a great idea.

    Schwarzenegger Press Conference on Prison Reform - Official Transcript

    COMPREHENSIVE PRISON REFORM -Governor Schwarzenegger’s Proposal
    Building more beds and creating safer conditions

    Some good quotes....
    "If we don’t clean up the mess, the federal courts will do it for us by ordering criminals released and by building more prison space, and by taking money from education, from our schools, and also from health care. "

    "...California has not authorized the building of new prison space over the last decade, and that is why last year I proposed new space in my Strategic Growth Plan. "

    "...comprehensive reform plan, that I have already laid out in January, that includes investing 10.9 billion dollars to expand our prisons and jail capacity by 78,000 beds. We also talked about creating a sentencing commission and also changing the parole."

    "To meet current demands, prepare for growth and provide prisoners and correctional officers with a safer environment, the Governor proposes $10.9 billion to expand California’s prison and jail capacity. This funding will add 78,000 additional beds total."


    I say lock them up and TAX all of us to pay for it all. You want to put over 2 million people in prison and lock them up for a very long time... that is great, I am all for it. I just want everyone to PAY for the prison system that everyone wants.

    That is what is wrong with this country... everyone wants a bailout, everyone wants to the government to SPEND SPEND SPEND... No one wants to PAY for it all.
  13. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Union? Say it ain't so!
  14. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Maybe California should look at gettting some decommissioned Aircraft carriers in their waters.
  15. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    The state should build halfway houses right beside each of those judge's homes.

    Uhhh arent we ALL already paying for it, those who work I mean? How is it the ppl's fault that politicians dont prioritize their budgets correctly or according to importance?

    No, they fear losing their jobs to cheaper inmate costs that will most likely be a reality. Im sure prisons in their surrounding states have a much lower operating cost than all of their California prisons. So if sending them off got CHEAPER, I'd reckon a lot of politicians would begin pushing for exactly that.....or what WSM stated...:D

    My next question would be what is the criminal make up of their prison XX% death row inmates, XX% lifers, XX% 15+yrs, XX% repeated child molesters, etc......

    It's sad actually, how many yrs off are we when a prison will be full of lifers and they'll wanna reconsider their sentences in an effort to save $$$?
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
  16. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    I don't know but I'd imagine that a large % are drug related charges...
  17. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Probably, and before MR gets here and pollutes the thread.........ppl, it aint the potsmokers who are filling the prison systems. :D

    In that state I wouldnt be surprised if a very large number are illegals.
  18. wsmcrobert

    wsmcrobert Well-Known Member

    i'm pretty sure that what is at issue are the state prisons. the counties have their own jails where the lower level criminals are imprisoned for shorter term sentences. the guys in the state penitentiary system are the hardened criminals. i know in our county it's the sheriff deputies that man the jails. and there are some private contractor prisons around too but again, that's for low level criminals.

    from the link i posted above it was roughly $10,000 cheaper per year to send the prisinors out of state. everyone knew this was coming and i do have to give arnold credit for proposing solutions. i blame this mess on the democrats and prison guard union.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
  19. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    In NJ, many county jails house not only state but also federal prisoners......they get paid a decent rate to do so. I'd be surprised if Ca doesnt do this, if not, then they should look into it might help their overcrowded system.
  20. Marcmcm

    Marcmcm Huge Member

    Either way you're going to pay for them..either in prison or on food stamps or welfare or in increased police expenditures. Might as well lock them up and be able to keep tabs on them.

    Take half of that stupid "Stimulus" package and put it towards prisons. I'll take it. I live in a town with a country prison and a state pen (soon to be two). It creates a lot of jobs.

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