Ken Block killin' it...

Discussion in 'General' started by Stumpy, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. random hero

    random hero Banned

    No, thats a Trophy Truck.. 800hp, 35"+ of wheel travel and goes upwards of 160mph... Probably one of the sickest race vehicles on the planet.

    A CORR truck is like a stock car compared to an f1 car... Limited travel, suspension setup ect.. Got a chance to meet gordon last year in Texas, really cool dude, he's one of the only drivers i respect in Nascar, its nice to see somebody in that series be real:rock:
  2. random hero

    random hero Banned

    And that ain't drifting.. what a badass vid! Can somebody tell me the difference between Gymkana & Auto-Cross??
  3. HD1911

    HD1911 Johnny Rocket

    Lol, it's all about that WOOT WOOT :p
  4. HD1911

    HD1911 Johnny Rocket

    Ahhh i c...well yeah that was one of the baddest things i've seen :up:
  5. HD1911

    HD1911 Johnny Rocket

    "Sometimes called "Car Rodeo", Gymkhana is quite often compared to Autocross or Pro Solo. Although the two sports share many common similarities the Autocross & Solo course main is "time". A Gymkhana track is laid out in a matter that encourages the driver to use flamboyant driving and drifting techniques that's 1st, 2nd is time. It has been a popular sport for many years though out the world. Now its coming to America."

    What is Gymkhana:

    Gymkhana is about "control".
    Gymkhana is primarily done on an open paved field or parking lot. The course is laid out with cones in key points to navigate to. The obstacle will often consist of slaloms, 180 degree turns, 360 degree turns, figure 8s, and some time parking boxes. The drivers goals is the get through the course and fast a possible with the least amount of mistakes. Gymkhana requires strong mental concentration and memorizing of the track, where you have to go and do next. The driver will use many techniques to effectively go through a course. Acceleration, braking, drifting & grip driving are all necessary for Gymkhana. Widely popular internationally, in Europe, Malaysia, Australia, and Japan.

    from this site:
  6. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Hmm, so it is kind of like ice skating. It's timed and points are given for style and technique.
  7. HD1911

    HD1911 Johnny Rocket

    :crackup: that's one way to put it :D
  8. Oak

    Oak Thiamist Altar Boy

    2:59 ... Sick.

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