What to do about neighbors who don't like your business

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Jefe, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Jefe

    Jefe Wannabe

  2. ToddClark

    ToddClark f'n know it all

  3. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    This takes the cake: "One neighboring couple, Glenn and Margie Patterson, says the gallery is even named after them because of their criticism of the ATV business -- a charge the Meads denied" :crackup:
  4. frackadelic

    frackadelic Buddha Stalin is Chronic

  5. Russell2566

    Russell2566 Chicken Strips are Yummy

    Good for them I say. It's a shame their legitimate business was brought to an end by nosy PIA neighbors...
  6. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
  7. tz_eric

    tz_eric Well-Known Member

    From the article: "The Meads own and operate an ATV rental business out of a Lyons office, and had illegally rented out the vehicles from the building that also houses their Allenspark gallery until the county forced a special-use review earlier this year."

    Just exactly how is something that is illegal a legitimate business?

    Does that mean illegal aliens are legitimate too?
  8. Marcmcm

    Marcmcm Huge Member

    I believe they're using the term illegal because it violated local zoning and land use regulations.
  9. cattitori

    cattitori Code SuperBike Galactic *

    Allenspark is the most pornographic place I've ever seen," Mead said. "It's a town where half the people are paying attention to the other half's business. I thought it would fit right in."

    That's some funny shit right there. Thanks for the linky...:up:
  10. Rodger

    Rodger RamJet

    the illegal part was the ATV rental , the gallary was/is legal . Sounds more like non-conforming zoning . All zoning has applications , but non-conforming has to be similiar to what was proven to gain non-conforming status .:)
  11. Turbotech

    Turbotech Well-Known Member

    That is freaking great........He shoots, he scores!!!!!

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