Global cooling-the new threat

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Tinfoil hat charly, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

  2. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    C'mon man, this was reported by FoxNews. And the scientist is Canadian for Pete's sake. Don't you realize the internal struggles in Robert's mind??? His head may 'splode. :D

    Al Gore said it's global warming. Why would anyone question that??? :confused: :crackup:
  3. OldSlowGuy

    OldSlowGuy Unregistered User

    What we need is two-strokes. Lots and lots of two-strokes!!!
  4. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted


    tirefire at my house. everyone's invited. BYOB
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Bring your own Bridgestone?
  6. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted


    them too
  7. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

  8. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

    Have you guys notice how they are CHANGING

    from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" ???

    lmao, Global Warming...opps that doesn't work anymore since these past
    days have been really cool, some at record levels.
  9. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Global Warming and Global Cooling attempt to explain the same Global Change phenomenon. I haven't paid much attention to it lately but that should still be true. At the root of it the local weather changes toward the opposite of what would be expected.

    Example: If the jet stream over the U.S. changed course to push warm air from Baja to Canada and that Canadian cooled air then supplied the eastern U.S. you'd have both Global Warming in Canada and Global Cooling on the east coast. Does that help any?
  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    in a localized way, yes.
  11. klebs01

    klebs01 Well-Known Member

    I think that is a perfect example of the problem with all of this. People have forgotten the difference between weather and climate. Both are variable but on different cycles. Climate doesn't change in a persons lifetime.
  12. Booger Van der Jackass

    Booger Van der Jackass Well-Known Member

    I think the change in nomenclature is an attempt to avoid a semantics arguement with the cynical crowd.
  13. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    Why must you open a new thread when you can't disprove the other thread?
  14. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    It's been disproven for millions of years. It's called weather. It changes with regularity.

    Similar to scientific ability to prove God, the religion claiming warming and cooling can't prove their theories either.

    Enjoy your religion!
  15. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    And if there is cooling and warming...

    Who has figured out what the temperature should be. Seems like that has to be the first step, but the religion marches on...
  16. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Well, here is your chance to disprove this one!
  17. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    Why? Global cooling is so 70's.
  18. Smokes35

    Smokes35 Well-Known Member

    Ummm, if u ask me, the climate changes every day... i mean after all its not the same temperature at 11am as it is at 11pm...

    sometimes it rains to, which makes things even more confusing...

    Im so sick of global climate anything... just fucking dress appropriately!!!!!!
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Now there's a convincing arguement.
  20. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    First one I can recall.:D

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