Where is the cheapest place to get a Honda EU2000?

Discussion in 'General' started by grendels_arm, May 9, 2007.

  1. weggie man

    weggie man Well-Known Member

    I'm looking at getting two EU2200i gens and the paralell kit.... or a EU3000is. More research is in order.
  2. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    Gordie, pls post up your findings. I for one have given some thought to that same option. Just couldn't pass up the Stickboy bargain though.
  3. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    I run a LCT I got from stick, and here is the best way I can describe the noise level:

    Nobody is shooting me dirty looks in the paddock. A Generacket can be 100 feet away and be noisier to me than the LCT sitting 15 feet away.
  4. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    ...in your opinion.
  5. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Well don't sit on it like a chicken hatching an egg, if you have the lowdown on something better for the money give it up.
  6. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    no. i'm just clarifying that value is an opinion, not fact.

    i think stick's gen supplies great value. however, i feel the reduced noise of the honda is worth the extra money...so i put the better value in the honda.

    it's just opinion.
  7. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!


    I was hoping you knew a secret source for silent 6kw gensets that cost 399 dollars.
  8. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    I think it all depends on what is important. I don't need the quietest generator in the world but the quieter the better as it would get irritating over time. What is important to me is:

    1. reliability
    2. warranty
    3. ease of taking it somewhere for service
    4. small size

    This is where I think the Honda wins. Where the Honda loses is it's expensiveness.

    I almost got the LCT2600 (was gonna have a friend pick it up at Carolina as I'm near DC and didn't want to spend $100 to get it shipped) but I saw this difference in size (Honda is smaller) and the Honda looks enclosed and all. Plus I got a little concerned that after the 1 year warranty period I'd be stuck with a generator no one in my area was authorized to service. And I'd be trying to troubleshoot myself and guessing which parts are bad and all. Now I guess there's not too much that can go wrong but still with Honda being a big name brand and dealerships everywhere it does help sway my decision in their direction.

    Point is the LCT2600 is $450 shipped. I can get the EU2000 for $860 shipped. I have to decided whether it's worth $410 more.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Ummm, duh? Who else's opinion would I have?
  10. TSWebster

    TSWebster Well-Known Member

    Yet you just bought a new EU2000.:confused: :Poke:

  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, I did. The quiet for me was more important than the overall value for some things I plan to use the genset for.
  12. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Holy shite. Our opinions match. And all without "egos" and or "whining" involved. :Poke:

  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That's only because you're in agreement with me. If you weren't you'd get all pissy :crackup:
  14. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    so doesn't that mean your opinion is that the honda provides the best value for you? since that's where you put your money?
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nope, the Honda is overpriced, but it is the only one as quiet as I want. I don't consider it a value at all, just the lone viable option for me.
  16. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    i guess that's true.
  17. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    You misread tone too often. Never whined at all. If I did, you'd have gotten me worked up and I'd call you names or do some of the other shenanigans that happen here. Now if we started talking about someone getting all defensive, then we'd have something - but let's not trash another thread about my facts and your power struggles. ;)
  18. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    Maybe the stuff that makes the Honda quiet and some of the other features like the 2 year warranty is what makes it cost more so therefore maybe it isn't overpriced for what you get. The Yamaha quiet one is around the same price I believe and the Kipor one that looks almost exactly like the Honda (I think because it has a Honda motor) is around the same price as well.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I think the Honda is quieter because it's an inverter rather than a real generator.

    Eddie - can't be a power struggle when I actually have the power :crackup:
  20. hank748

    hank748 Well-Known Member

    I paid $875 for the Honda 2000 delivered/insured from Wisesales.com

    I also looked at the Yamaha 2400 inverter - just as quiet and about the same size but a bit heavier.

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