suspension gods, please help...(CBR F3)

Discussion in 'General' started by wahaut79, Jul 10, 2002.

  1. wahaut79

    wahaut79 Well-Known Member

    hi guys,
    bought a set of F3 race-tech forks for my 94 F2. swapped internals, everything is fine. also got a fox TC shock. bike feels totally different, but not necessarily better. race tech recommends 5W oil at 140mm from top. if anyone has any better suggestions, ideas, setup tricks, or hints how to dial this puppy in, i'd appreciate them. BTW, i'm 180 w/ gear and 6'3".
    thanks much...
  2. ruckusracing

    ruckusracing Well-Known Member

    Personnally, I would call a suspension shop. I use GMD with great success, but there are plenty of choices. Every rider and bike differ....and they change from track to track. GMD or Traxxion can get you a good base line and go from there.

    But one thing for sure write everything down in something you will keep up with, and write it as you do it.

    Those bikes can still get around a racetrack when set up right...My F3 had a older fox shock and race tech springs and that was it. It worked great.

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