just plain feels good to me. I have not smoked in a while now (over a year) i found that track riding and racing gave a better feelign when i finally got off the bike the adrenaline was amazing. i was avid pot smoker for a while, non addictive, cheap high for a few hours on little weed. was much cheaper than drinking without a hang over.
you'd be absolutely amazed at some of the ones youre blasting into T1 with that either smoked it just before they put their leathers on, or got wasted on it the night before. Im still surprised every time i see it.
I want you to smoke pot. Then you race slow. Then I win. Or at least I am in front of you. Probrably lap you. Twice. Don't ya worry. It won't hurt ya. Cheap too. But I will have new slicks and you won't. Don't worry. Everybody must get stoned.
I hear ya man. "People commonly use statistics like a drunk uses a lamp post; for support rather than illumination." Mark Twain "That's all I"ve got to say about that." Forest Guuuump
I'm just dying to know. What do you, with all your strength, brainpower and control... do for a living? Maybe those of us who got high 10 or 15 or (in my case) 25 years ago can use your example as a beacon to better ourselves!
Yeah There needs to be a complete paradigm shift away from the drunken dangerous slob and towards the passive intellectual stoner. READ THIS: http://www.saferchoice.org/content/view/24/53/ Dont do THE POT. commme on. Drugs are a direct result of the society we live in. It is a societal indicator. Just Like Suicide. If the drug addiction rates and suicide rates are high then simply look at the economic inequalities that are present in society. Its real easy for a "HAVE" to say "I never touch the stuff." No shit, you have a good life. For a "HAVE NOT," drugs might be the only relief from being a cog in a capitalistic machine that truly doesn't care about individual survival. If marijuana was legalized today, it would immediately solve the prison overcrowding crisis as well as free up vital resources being wasted on "THE WAR ON DRUGS," that could be better spent on helping to educate instead of incarcerate.
I like to drink beer and smoke weed. I'm too much of a pansy-ass to try hard drugs. I don't even take an advil unless I can't walk or am missing a body part. Anybody who makes broad generalizations in this thread isn't worth listening to (see the irony?) I know TONS of people who smoke weed and drink recreationaly who are very successful, and even a few that regularly do coke/other hard drugs. It's all about the individual. Granted, a daily heroin habit is gonna fuck just about anyone's life up, but there is a large gray area.
how is spending an immesnse amount of energy on non-procreative sexual indulgance any different than using cocaine or opiates? (or even alcohol) its all about the pleasure center stimulation in the brain. and sexual promiscuity is alot more dangerous than hard drugs especially non-intervaneous usage. i personally know many people who use hard opiates and are not addicted. it simply takes the mind to not do on a daily basis, but DARE never tells you about that. and i want anyone who doesnt "buy" the cognitive stimulation of hallucinogens and their benefit to just simply try the ancient practice of psilocybin mushrooms in a large dose.