None whatsoever. For comparison - the economy was tanking prior to the 2000 election, and the job-loss cycle was just getting ramped up. That train left the station during the previous Administration, yet the Bush Administration is saddled with all of the blame. So if an attack that was planned prior to the next President taking office occurs shortly after he takes office, the blame will be on him no matter what the facts are.
Come on, Papa- you know I've learned to NOT get into arguments with you or Frank. The only reason I find fault in Clinton's terror policy is that it appears he didn't do much in the aftermath of the attacks. Bush responded swiftly and decisively, and doesn't seem to respond to popularity polls in his decision making. I think he has character where Clinton and Kerry lack it.
Do you suppose Bush's cabinet will be carried over to the next President? Or that Bush will repeal the term limit for President?
I voted for Bush and thought at the time he was the better man - now, almost four years later, I can admit to myself I made a mistake and I will correct that mistake in November! It remains to be seen if Kerry is a better politician and representative for our country. IMO, he is the better person and that should count for something... GWB bribed and lied his way into the White House, he lied about nuclear weapons in Iraq and used Hussein as an excuse to further dump billions into the weapons industry / military to please his big campaign supporters. Hussein's capture was a great defeat against dictatorship, but has nothing to do with terrorism. Our boys are being wasted in a police action and there is no end in sight. Statements like "we will win the fight against terrorism" really show what a cowboy GWB really is. The man has no idea what he is talking about and his "advisors" are running out of ideas to cover up his stupidity. I'll personally donate the bullet that should take out Arafat (sp?) - that guy has held the strings in terrorism for 30+ years and nobody has said a word. Hammas and him are bigger problems than Hussein ever was! Anyway, I agree with Todd's post, but this turns into nothing more than a rant - different people have different opinions and we are lucky enough to live in a country where speaking your mind is not illegal. 'Nuff said.
If we were fighting "terrorism" exclusively, it's true that our efforts could be better focused. To that end, we're wasting our time and money with empire-building.
well since we've only had, what, two in 250 years... ??? and given that they could probably walk in from mexico or canada I'm not to quick to offer priase I don't think much has been done that wasn't some kinda show bullshit
Why don't you ask some of the Al Qaeda/Taliban in Gitmo. I'd bet they found this whole terrorist hunt objectionable, too! I doubt they think it was much of a show.
Do you really feel safer now than before 9/11? Perhaps that question is unfair since I think we were all pretty ignorant of the domestic terrorist threat pre 9/11. But the only thing that makes me feel better is that the American public is aware of terrorism and hopefully more inclined to get involved. IMO, Bush's foreign policy has made us more of a target than his homeland security can ever secure us against. So, I'm relying on my fellow American. No wonder I have trouble sleeping at night.
So, Al Qaeda and other terror networks hate us worse now? How? You mean they can hate us worse than an airplane, nucleur, chemical or biological attack? Just because we responded to their attacks? I disagree, Joe. Let the world fear our wrath against terror. Homeland security has stepped up counter-terrorism operations, and I'll bet we only hear of a fraction of the attacks or plans thwarted. I prefer it that way. Pre-emptive covert strikes will be carried out. And we will probably have more attacks against us anyway, but every one of these attacks needs to be met with a carefully measured, brutal response. These animals can not be reasoned with. You do realize this, don't you. They hate us and want us dead. Not just our government. ALL of us "infidels".
LOL!!! I really did. If you think your safer now then I'm happy for you. Your myopic world view didn't really need rose colored glasses but what the heck. Hmmm... I guess the radicals couldn't hate us any worse but we've added to their numbers with this bone headed attempt to confront terrorism through pre-emptive wars. They don't fear us and they won't -- read a history book. I certainly hope counter-terrorism operations are silently saving us. I'm a skeptic by nature so that gives me little comfort. The rest of this diatribe is simply shocking given your faith. Perhaps a measure of understanding should be applied before deciding their fate.
Another interesting topic, Jay. Considering that those coming from certain countries (e.g. UK, France) are released in batches after diplomatic negotiations, implying that they are guilty of nothing more than "looking Arab in the wrong place at the wrong time," I am growing increasingly skeptical that most of those people represented a threat to US interests on US soil. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe they are all angels. Far from it. But I think the whole Guantánamo thing is doing more to appease people in the US than it does for their actual safety. A lot of those people may have shot Americans on sight if given the chance in Afghanistan, but it doesn't mean they were necessary going to travel to the US to do it. And that would mean George did nothing concrete for your safety. It's too early to tell anyway. Remember, Osama and his crew had been working at the World Trade Center attacks for years. But in my opinion, so long as someone can fly from Indonesia, Yemen or Sudan into Mexico and walk/swim across the border, I think it's all a smokescreen that has done a good job of diverging people's attention away from the glowing gaps in homeland security. But I will be the first to admit this is all hypothetical and easily debatable.
I did not mean to imply it was done by the same people. Just that years can go back between attacks and just because someone is not trying at the moment does not mean things are safe.
Given my faith? I'm not worried about my afterlife, if that's what you meant. I am just speaking my mind here, Joe. I don't hate these people, even if they hate me. I would just rather have them dead rather than my family. I'm not wearing any rose-colored glasses. I know our situation here is dire. What else can I do other than let the experts handle it? Bashing the current admin is counter-productive and demeaning to our troops, imho. Hey, you're right. I DO need to read more history, but I'm too busy raising a family right now. It's all good, bro.
I couldn't agree more. Our ham-handed presence in Iraq is the best recruitment tool Al Qaeda and the like has had in a while. The average American wanted to see some ass kicked after 9/11, but the average American doesn't know much about foreign affairs or international diplomacy.
You know, they showed these kids in Pakistan after 9/11 that were pretty eager to join up with Osama because of 9/11. Successful attacks are also recruiting tools for Al Qaeda. I still want to see them taken out before they cause any more harm over here. I happen to love my country, and my life pre-9/11.
I shouldn't have questioned your faith Jay, I appologize. I don't see these people as animals and I don't think we've drawn their ire for no reason. The reasons can be debated all day but in large part our situation at present is of our own doing. Worse, we've got troops exposed to great risk over ill-conceived strategies. I have no say in any of this policy until November and that frustrates me. Even then I've got two losers to chose from....UGH!!!! Raise your family and don't live in fear Jay. I still think its more dangerous to swim in the ocean.
OUTSTANDING REPLIES! I am so pleased at the tone of this discussion, but it has gone elsewhere from my intent. Before logging in tonight, I always go to the CNN site and look at 'current events.' An American civilian was beheaded today and it was captured on video. Two Swiss travelers were stoned to death in Afghanistan the other day; no doubt their white skin meant that they were American/Western - evil. It will get worse, I think, long before it gets better. I hate to blame our president, because he did not throw the rocks or cut off any heads, but I will blame our leadership. Did they (our elected leaders) have no plan for after invasion? Let's look at the trade: Iraq> 12 years of ducking the terms of surrender to the coalition forces in Gulf War 1 and human rights violations against their own citizens. Violating no-fly zones. But no actual buildup of WMDs or the ingredients to manufacture them, although we were told that they were and it was no theory, but fact. Gulf War 2> Unanimous opposition in the UN to invade. Bush said, "You are for us or against us." and the invasion went on even though the only weapons Iraq had were the Al Siaid (sp?) missiles which were not in range violation, but could be 'modified' to violate the distance limit. As a show of 'good faith', they began to dispose of them anyway, stopping when it appeared that we would invade regardless of their attempts to diplomatically thwart it. Bush kept saying that Sadaam refused to disarm. I'm not sure what Iraq was to disarm, maybe one of you can educate me on that one. Now, more than a year since the invasion, WAY more American lives have been spent on this errand. Not only that, how many dinky little countries, who no doubt felt compelled to act with us in this venture OR ELSE have lost their own men and women with ours? Now the militant islamists have a lot more in the means of targets. No end in sight. I don't blame GWB for the economy. The 9/11 attacks had a hugely negative effect on it, not necessarily GWB's policies. Well, not so much. GWB's cavalier attitude and disregard for human life makes me want him gone. I understand an eye for an eye. We cannot sit and do nothing with regards to terrorism. Iraq 2, with the invasion, the occupation, the mistreatment and humiliation to the prisoners (by a few) and all that the last year has done to not eliminate terror, but foster it, means to me that I cannot safely leave these shores. I cannot say that I support my leadership's decisions. I am proud of my heritage, but worry for the next generation. I must vote in November, because not voting is the same as voting for the winner.