Verizon Droid or Deviour?

Discussion in 'General' started by Rodney Vest #310, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. Rodney Vest #310

    Rodney Vest #310 Well-Known Member

    I am not up tp speed on the new phones but would like to see which one of these are better. My wife loves getting on the internet and crap. I am basic but would use the internet if I had it. Any advice? I am going today at 3:30 to upgrade. Thanks.:up:
  2. Randal03r1

    Randal03r1 Well-Known Member

  3. Rodney Vest #310

    Rodney Vest #310 Well-Known Member

    Thanks. That is what I have been reading online.
  4. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    If at all possible, wait a couple of weeks. The HTC Incredible is rumored pretty strongly to be dropping at Verizon and if its true, looks like an AWESOME phone. That's the one I'm holding out for.
  5. GrantMLS

    GrantMLS Well-Known Member

  6. Rodney Vest #310

    Rodney Vest #310 Well-Known Member

    Droid it is. Thanks
  7. Daekwan

    Daekwan Ant Gobert's fav. rider..

    Droid will be much better supported thru apps, OS and updates.
  8. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Except the 2.1 update. :crackup:
  9. Chand

    Chand Well-Known Member the best
  10. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Droid is a great device. The Devour is basically "watered down". Won't have full compatibility. There is also a ton of hacking that can be done on the Droid if you're brave enough. Go to and you can find out pretty much any and everything about how to operate it, tricks, items and accessories available, the works.
  11. ToddClark

    ToddClark f'n know it all

    The Droid, ROCKS!
  12. GrantMLS

    GrantMLS Well-Known Member

    my droid has it... simple download and install though really not worth it - not much dif than 2.0
  13. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    This coming from someone that bricked their Droid how many times? :crackup:
  14. GrantMLS

    GrantMLS Well-Known Member

    that was trying to do somthing no one really needs to do :D
  15. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Uh huh, Sure. ;)
  16. tito

    tito Well-Known Member

    is there anyone in the cell phone industry that knows if AT&T will ever get these? I don't want an Iphone, and the droid will do everything I want.
  17. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    The Nexus One is available as of today but you have to get it directly from Google and I don't think there is any subsidized pricing. Think there are more due to be coming out to them soon.

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