Where's Barry? Anyone seen Barry? http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/06/01/arkansas.recruiter.shooting/index.html http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/AmericanAttacks.htm I'm afraid we're not up for the fight. http://www.fox16.com/news/local/sto...in-soldiers-death/t9nphLyF6E-IgzORO8kHow.cspx
http://www.telegram.com/article/20090602/NEWS/906020353 We began the Kissass Tour. This outta be a laugh.
Calling that a terrorist attack is a bit of a stretch but I'm not surprise with it being the Little Rock police force.
Really? Now we have to fight them over here?? That's why I don't always like going to public places in uniform, you just never know what peoples' beliefs, feelings or capabilities are. Thanks for the post though, I found the links interesting!
He's a "converted" Muslim. Read be me as a confused fuckup that's going to do a lot of time for being a murdering idiot. If you worry yourself about wearing a uniform because of guys like the one in Little Rock then you need to get out of the military as soon as you can. Of course I don't really think you need to get out of the military but just relax and don't worry about these rare instances. Wear your uniform proudly. Those of us in or that were in uniform have always been at a little higher risk because of anti-military nutjobs.
Trust me dude, he's not one of those "one billion" you speak of. He's a confused guy from a very violent Little Rock, AR. He needed a public excuse for being stupid. Yes, I'm being a bit prejudice(toward Little Rock) on this one. Not racist but prejudice. If he was white I would be saying the same thing. There's not a huge hot bed of Muslim conversion happening in Arkansas.
England is taken over bye-bye the muslimenace. Your cuntree tizz of the is next. You shucked it off like england, holland, germany is let the muzzlim have europe. I think there are over a billion bullets if you aim well. WELL, you let them inn with that oil money is buy up property. Property so big in england is to erect << Get it? 72 Virgins is erect the biggest mosque or terrorist meeting halls that recruit young idealist kids that think the west is bad and it is good to stone women. That is life in the USA now is murder their woman. I mean, there are over 1.6billion and growing in the USA are American kids being influenced that their penis is worth 72 dark eyed farm animals and desert hump is hump that camel when the sun goes down behind the tent in the Oh Ace IS... IS YOU ARE NEXT!!!
Your prez is going to submit to the menace tomorrow. That means, he like every other prez is get the message is you infideless useless pee poles is treat islam like it treats the west is insult them to the hilt as if everyone is going to get the message is not me. I am going to insult the menace till I die. This is just the surface.
Fack, i've never been tired from reading two forum posts before... that was painful. Can anyone translate that?
Oh yeah I know Really the uniform thing is to avoid the opinions, not so much worried about the nutjobs. It is very rare that I don't feel the support and gratitude from people I meet. America is an amazing country - to live in and to fight for! Thank you for the encouragement! :up:
is you are brain damaged? Actually I read a few of his other posts. He's just pulling our pud (or he's realy drunk).