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Discussion in 'General' started by Dave K, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. motorbykemike

    motorbykemike beer snob

    sunday only for me
  2. Slick228

    Slick228 I dropped oil there, too.

    I will be your MARRC Safety Director for the weekend. :up:

    Mongo, I'll want to catch up with you sometime Friday evening if you have a couple minutes so we can review any changes/updates to flag procedures and race updates.

    See y'all there! :beer:
  3. SV81

    SV81 Steeler Hater

    I be there tomorrow night through Sunday
  4. SVbadguy

    SVbadguy I survived the Mt Course

    I'll be working the turns with MARRC. Don't keep me too busy. :tut:
  5. prostang117

    prostang117 Member

    i will be there between 10 and 11 friday night bringing 2 others with me...... who is going to have the beer ready and waiting ????????????
  6. rev395

    rev395 head carpetbagger

    I will be there tommorow thru sunday...rain or shine... hell or high water... ect...

    hey Tom I got a spare engine you could use if needed... its for a honda tho :)
  7. Big Deezul

    Big Deezul Gossamer has MOJO!!!

    We will be there!
  8. northernyamaboy

    northernyamaboy Yo Terrance! You're slow!

    Good!:Poke: :)
  9. Bill H.

    Bill H. Just a pilgrim...

    It'll be a pleasure to meet you all.
  10. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    It's not just her that hates you
  11. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

  12. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    Thanks Paul, but I think my state of the art, quality Yamaha frame would vomit that evil honda lump right on to the ground if I tried that swap.
  13. northernyamaboy

    northernyamaboy Yo Terrance! You're slow!


    You can barrow my if your trying to case that old fart title. The offer is their. Bring you shit if you want to ride.
  14. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    Thanks so much for the offer Scott, but I'd feel like a bigger turd than normal if I wadded your bike up for you. Not to mention I'm having enough trouble paying to fix my own bike, let alone fixing yours if I destroy it.

    I'll be out there soon enough, but the start of my season has been delayed a few months.
    It's a long and boring story that involves a crankshaft repair shop that does shit work, is a liar and thief, and will surely burn in hell if there is a God.

    But I'm not bitter.

    See you down there.
  15. Rain Director

    Rain Director Old guy

    Enjoy the rain. I'll be wandering the streets of Norristown, watching the community service-types pick up trash, making sure they don't drink, smoke dope or screw up. Woo-hoo. :rolleyes:
  16. Kuala76

    Kuala76 MARRC President 2013

    Hey Travis!!! I'll be out there on the corners too! Can't wait to see everyone there :clap:
  17. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I see your opinion hasn't changed since VIR. :D
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    The weather is supposed to be total SWAMP ASS!
  19. Mongo Sis

    Mongo Sis Clydes Aunt

    I talked to Sean earlier and he sounded very tired so someone needs to give him a kiss when they see him. Thanks.
  20. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    That's what it looks like...so I'm gonna stay home and go buy a big flat screen TV.:) If I'm not gonna race I might a well spend some money.:up:

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