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Still dont know how my insurance premiums will go down.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by justariot66, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Imagine that, success without government intervention. :D

    My current employer pays 100% of my coverage.

    What the hell does she sale?
  2. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    No they didn't. What you pay may have gone to zero but the rates didn't. ;)

    Someone is still paying out the ass for it.
  3. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Hippy shit.

    Ask Acree he buys from them all the time. :D
  4. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Your response confused me. Are you for a change away from the current HC system?
  5. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    I wouldn't advertise that too much...the tax hammer might in fall that direction now that Obama has deemed profit to be evil.:tut:
  6. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    So why is it these jackasses that want to pass this bill won't be forced to use the same plan they want to shove down our throats?
  7. Because!

    See Obama...that is the type of answer you need to give. Short and simple!

    Medicare, we all pay for through our checks right? Why not leave Medicare for the elderly and make affordable insurance for lower income so that they don't leech away Medicare. Did you know...even with my salary I can still qualify for WIC and other programs? However, I choose not to because my salary (Thank God) affords me enough to buy food my family needs to stay healthy. I choose to leave that qualifying money for someone who truly needs it.
  8. dasnd12

    dasnd12 Well-Known Member

    Although i dont totally agree with what Obama is doing...at least something is being done. Insurance companies raise rates every year by absurd amounts.

    Here are the increases my company's preemium has had the last three years:

    12% , 18% , and this year 27%....when we asked our health carrier how they could justify such an increase...they basically told us..thats just the way it is. There obviously has to be some regulation.....
  9. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    Pass some tort reform and insurance compainies won't have to increase rates!
  10. I believe the insurance companies can not raise the rates themselves, it has to be the insurance commissioners that approve the rate increases. If I'm wrong please let me know...that was just explained to me by my insurance company. Now...that was my Auto/Home insurance, but I would think it would be along the same lines no?
  11. dasnd12

    dasnd12 Well-Known Member

    With health insurance companies profits in the hundreds of millions a quarter...i think they can afford not to raise our premium 27%....just my opinion though
  12. I completely agree. However, when you speak to insurance companies...from their side they say they can't stay in business if they charge lower rates. :rolleyes: Shoot...just wait until the healthcare side gets a hold of the way Auto insurance companies are basing rates.:D

    I wonder if that big hike in rates for this year was in anything like gas prices rising if a storm is coming in off the Atlantic? Joe Biden said, "You know we will control the insurance rates". So with that said...does that mean they will be in control of when and how high an insurance company can raise their rates. If so, I can't help but think we will see another hike before this bill gets approved...if that's possible. Not sure how often they can do that.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2010
  13. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Profit or Net Income? Is that for the industry or a single company?
  14. dasnd12

    dasnd12 Well-Known Member

    This is a link to a site that says that the helath inurance industry is not making record profits as Obama said last year..but it odes lists profits such as:

    UnitedHealth Group had reported its earnings for the second quarter of 2009, which beat analysts’ expectations with profit of $859 million

    Humana Inc. logged a quarterly profit of almost $282 million

    Health Net logged a $40 million profit in the spring quarter

    Wellpoint’s $693 million for the quarter

    see a trend??? But wait..those arent records so we should just continue as usual....

    sorry forgot the link:

  15. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I hope someone pull the actual %. I don't think the profit margins are as big as everyone is led to believe.

    I am all for reform. The current bill in its current format is a game changer, little to do with reform.

    Part of the issue with cost is associated with paperwork. This is the case for both the insurance companies and medicaid/medicare. The overhead necessary to comply with the filing is enough to drive some out of these systems.

    There are ways to resolve or attempt to reform HC. We only need to look into cosmetic surgery as a model.
  16. klebs01

    klebs01 Well-Known Member

    The industry average net profit margin is only 4.4% thats pretty low. It's just a scare marketing tactic used by people that would gain from the legislation get support. Just like th big evil oil companies with their 6.5% net profit margin. They aren't making that much money, especially with their capital needs.
  17. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Is that before or after the pay $25,000,000 bonus to the CEO?
  18. klebs01

    klebs01 Well-Known Member

    After. The focus on the one number is also comical. If you spread that out to all the employees of a company, they would get maybe a couple hundred dollars a year on average. It's a smart use of resources to use 1% of the general employees pay check to get a good person at the top. While we hear about the failures, there are a lot of people out there doing a good job running companies.
  19. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I would not mind jumping on the CEO ban wagon but fact is that CEO pay is high regardless of industry (mostly).

    Mind you these salaries means revenue. Just ask NYC.
  20. Marcmcm

    Marcmcm Huge Member

    Who said it would? Obama did...


    Obama actually claims in that video that Healthcare premiums would go down up to 3,000% and people would get a raise!

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