I worked for and helped with a ton of nice ones and plenty of overpriced junk ones. Deleted my pictures recently. Get a qualified pro to design and build it for you. Integrate it but make it to where it can run separately (no need for a dish just for this system) but don't run a client in there. Don't skimp on a projector, sound system or seats. I've seen everything from single projector to badass football rooms with multiple projectors and tvs with stadium seating, proper tables and areas for mingling during football games. I have my office setup for football with two 100" projectors, 2 46" tvs and a couple of small tvs. Working on Sunday isn't bad. Just happen to see this one reddit
That is so steampunk! Thanks for sharing! What are we looking at, ballpark? for something that can seat 12, and has a projector worthy of games and movies (my wife is a glutton for a good movie)...dont need it to be as nicely decorated as the one you posted. I asked the guys at the theaters that my parents invested in, but they were of no help. post a pic of your office! that sounds badass!
Once the office is complete. It's kind of hodgepodged together at the moment. You can do theater in a 20x30 room if you wanted. Seen them much larger and smaller. Ive only set up and worked with crews to put in directv boxes and integrate but, leand serious lessons in the building of these rooms. Do it right the first time and damn, those good projectors are expensive. I like the more common 3 row, nice individual recliners with little trays/table tops between the seats for drinks and snacks. Stadium style is required. Audio must be done as well as the video. This is a luxury item, enjoy it. You want to feel what you are seeing. Some people add things like love sacs and bar style seating in the back. I'm sure you can find people that design these things to give you some examples. Back to what I care about ...? Talented AV guys that take care of your system! You want to pop in a blueray, hit play and enjoy. You don't want the wife calling you at work asking you how to watch a movie or having to make adjustments for each device.
for the staduim style. I assume that it will be wood sections on top of wood sections? The room height will be an issue?
Costwise the last one I dealt with was a room pre built and was fit for the devices, seating and the equipment was in the 30-50k range. I swear proper projectors are still something like 15k. Sound systems for guys like plastic surgeons in Southern California are completely custom built and in the 100k neighborhood. (Or so the guy claimed) it did make me cum a little in my pants but I can't afford it so....
I'm no carpenter. I think there is more the just regular stairs built up for stadium seating. I think sound is taken into consideration when building all of it. I've never been there when the room was just studs. By the time I come in the room is designed and the base is mostly complete.
Those equipment prices are nuts. Pure status. You can put together a home system for 1/4th that money which I'd put up against any of those at THX reference levels in any objective measurement. It just won't say Krell, McIntosh, Meridian, etc on the face plate.
That's great to know. I'm curious though - which objective measurement matches up to, "I like how this sounds?"
I spend a lot of time here. http://www.avsforum.com/ More specifically these sub forums. http://www.avsforum.com/f/3/home-entertainment-theater-builder I spend a lot of time there drooling. I'm trying to break ground on my house next year and the theater room sits 3 ft lower than the rest of the basement so I can build up the stadium seating up to meet the rest of the basement floor. I see a lot of talk about buying a nice projector. Don't forget about the screen as it can make a difference too.
I dont agree. When you factor in labor, cables and connectors, design, calibration, furniture, lighting, control, etc, it all adds up fast. Shoot, $30k is not that much really. That would be mid-tier (or less) components. That is, if you're really talking about a home theater and not a surround sound system in a media or living room. You're talking about $7500... c'mon man!
Freq response, Dynamic range, various types of distortion, transient response for Audio. Conformity to ISF standards for Video.
The prices I'm putting my 1/4 th up against we're his $30-$50k for the room and furnishings then another $100k for the Sound System and $15k for the projector. So we agree on $30-40k range.
A lot of those 100k home theater rooms are all the cost involved. My brother builds high end homes, and I've heard/seen their finished product. They are extremely nice. But those rooms are half of the basement, special insulated and acoustical engineered walls, carpet, ceiling, windows, theater seats. Plus a huge projector. I guess when a builder starts adding restrooms, bars, and popcorn machines, the price goes up. I listened to the audio portion of his last theater. He said just the audio was 30k. I didn't think it sounded as good as mine in my living room, just a little louder. I do have an excellent pair of front speakers, but it's powered by a simple Yamaha 100x7 AV receiver, with a couple Polk rears and a Polk sub, nothing really exotic. I guess one can always piece a theater or system together and save some coins, but when a builder or installer gets involved, the price goes up. But at least you know it's done right.