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Papa Helicoptered after crash today

Discussion in 'General' started by grady anderson, Jun 9, 2002.

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  1. TLMoto

    TLMoto Active Member

    For those who haven't seen it--

    This is the pic that Lisa mentioned...


    Come back soon Papa...... (even we lurkers miss you)
  2. grady anderson

    grady anderson Well-Known Member

    Too cool my friend:cool:
    You are a lurker EXTRODINAIRE!!!
  3. RAPTOR10

    RAPTOR10 A Predator Near you......

    that's too cool, he even has Team Honda pullin for him, next thing you know, he has a factory ride. That would be awesome :)

    I hope your doin ok Papa, just was thinkin about ya and wanted to drop by and say hi.
  4. Peanut

    Peanut Well-Known Member

    As Brad said on the other thread, hang in there PT, you are on my mind everyday.
  5. coeff

    coeff Well-Known Member

    It is great to actually see/hear Papa's own words.
    I wish I could offer more than my best thoughts.
  6. thane

    thane Well-Known Member

    Great to hear words from the man himself. Thanks, Lisa.

  7. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  8. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not exactly Miguel DuHamel, but I had occasion to chat with one Dalene Kurtis earlier today (Playboy playmate of the year), and she happily signed a "Get well soon Papa" poster and sends best wishes. I'll forward it via TSR on Monday. (Steve, no peeking.)

  9. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    Papa will forget all about Duhamel! ;) :D
  10. NewRacer

    NewRacer Tina! Come get some ham!

    just thinking of Papa......
  11. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Hello. Sorry I've been slacking on updates. My son is with me this weekend and it's been an art form to line up babysitters and still be there for Papa.

    Papa had quite a crowd tonight supporting him. He was really tired today because of all the respitory problems he's been having. It's really a workout for him to even cough. They've been putting a tube down his nose and into his lungs to suction fluids out of his lungs. He said he knows what a fish feels like with a hook in his gils now. So I had a visual of Papa hanging from a hook all day!! Not a nice visual. He and I had a little run-in with his night nurse and Papa said all kinds of funny nasty stuff behind her back. I can't tell what he said though (it's top secret stuff). So Lisa will be talking to administration tomorrow!!

    Monday he'll be switched to another room AGAIN! But right now we're in 1H-room 10.

    Overall not a BAD day, but not a real productive one either. He got no sleep and dealt with ill tempered nurses.

    That's all I have - I have to put the kid to bed. Sean Jordan, Laura and Brian have him all wound up. Lucky me. :)
  12. Roach

    Roach Yamaha Catapult Tester

    Hey! It was all Jordan's fault :D
    (That's my story and I'm sticking to it).

    BTW ... When we visited Papa last night he was really tired, but he told me that he'd take me up on my offer to let him ride the Aprilia, because he was done with riding the 600. :)

    - Roach
  13. Mark@RCMS

    Mark@RCMS Well-Known Member

    Two weeks/Nine weeks

    Nine weeks ago today I was involved in a racing accident. I was racing in the LW Solo20, entered T3 at Summit point wrong (too hot/too fast/out of place) and crashed. I don’t remember all that much of the goings on after that…some snapshots in my mind of an ambulance, and telling Roger Lyle that my wife was “going to kill me.” They drove me to Jefferson Hospital in the ambulance.

    While I was at Jefferson, X-Ray revealed that I had shattered my C5 vertebrae, and also damaged my C6. What they were telling my wife and I, was that I had broken my neck, and would have to be flown to a trauma center down in Virginia.

    That was nine weeks ago…

    Two weeks ago, Papa Thiam was involved in a racing accident. He crashed in T3 at Summit Point, and fractured his C5 & C6 vertebrae.

    I wish the best for Papa Thiam. I wish the best for Lisa. I wish the best for all that know Papa, and all that don’t.

    The part of what it is that makes us racers knows that these things can happen. The part of what it is that makes us a community is evident in those events that test us the most.

    The day I was injured, the racing community rallied around my wife and family, and helped her get done what was needed, and helped care for our children as well.

    The day Papa Thiam was injured, the racing community rallied around Papa, and reminded us all that we are part of an incredible community.

    Thank you to everyone for the support and goodwill you have expressed to/for Papa in this thread.

    Some of you know him well. Some, like myself, know him only through the BBS.

    All of us know the power of the community we are a part of.

    Best wishes to Papa. Best wishes to Lisa.

    Mark Deery
  14. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Papa Update

    Papa was in a "mood" today. He even gave me a dirty look and told me to get the hell out of his hospital room. The nerve of him! All because I kept asking him if he needed anything before I went out to the truck to get something. And these are good signs- this is our little way of "communicating" in jest. He had several visitors today and I got to meet some more of the racing community. We've just got to think of another (better) way to meet besides in hospitals. He didn't have too many breathing problems today except when Howard with MARCC told a joke and almost sent Papa into respitory distress because he was laughing so hard!!! Howard - the nurses made me take the hat home (yipee) so I now have a hat to match my "racing undies". Good deal!!! :D
  15. Laurie Acree

    Laurie Acree Well-Known Member

    Just thinkin' of ya Papa. :) Saw a Viper today with his top up. Communist!:D

    We are getting some goodies together for you. Keep those nurses in line!;)
  16. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I saw a Lightning today that made me think of him too. :) See you soon Papa.
  17. MM

    MM Member

    Stay positive, get well and best wishes
  18. Kendall

    Kendall Well-Known Member

    Re: Two weeks/Nine weeks


    I hope you and your family are doing well. I was wondering if in your crash you hit the wall that was involved in Papa's accident?


  19. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Another Update

    I only got to spend 2 hours with Papa today because I had to fly my son home and hop another flight back to D.C. So I got there around 8 and the night nurse let me stay for an additional hour. His night nurse for the past three days is a guy named Dave and he's been a big help. He rigged up a system for Papa so if no one is right there he can still suction himself and then there is a tube he can blow into to get the nurse in the room A.S.A.P. Papa is a night owl and is always up late and they have a rule there that lights are out at midnight and no food or drinks after that time. Papa says that's crap! :D

    He got to go outside yesterday. They strapped him in a wheel chair and let him go out to the courtyard for an hour. He fell asleep outside. Typical male.

    He's off his oxygen now and he will move to rehab as soon as they have a bed for him. He's so ready to get out of the hospital.

    A representative from rehab came to see him today and explained what he had to look forward to when he was there. She told him they would teach him how to learn to live with how he was and use what he has - and gave him very little hope. That was depressing but she did say that his goals will change constantly after every bit of progress he makes. So, even though he's been in great spirits lately - we've been warned to expect bouts of depression. Especially since rehab isn't a fast process. It's a lot of work with little bits of progess at a time. But, we'll make it through.

    Oh, JLG made Papa brownies and I told Papa I would take them home and not share with him... and he told me to think really hard if I want a husband or not. He said if I don't feed him some, I"m history. So, needless to say... he has all the brownies to himself - I haven't touched one. :)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2002
  20. falcn

    falcn Well-Known Member

    It's great to see these posts from Lisa telling us that Papa's spirit is good and that he is joking with her and his friends. Keep up the good fight, Papa!!!

    I see that you get a signed poster from a Playmate!! D:DMN!!!

    Marrc Safety Crew
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