Another from Aaron O'Keefe's impressive kids!.. :up: a couple "oops" from the drummer at 2:12 and 5:23, but he gets right back to it!... Get that kid some Stickum!..
Dear Santa: I've been a good boy. Please find it in your heart to give me riding skills like this dude for Christmas: Ohmori Masatoshi Sincerely, bwhip
Ok, I just re-read the rules and dont see which one I broke here. There is no nudity, just bouncing butts. Crap, what did I do?
That shows what little faith you have in your own reading-comprehension skills. FYI, the video was watched before our tattletale friend chimed in. As you can see, you're still here.
Get your reps and wheelies in at the same time! TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS!!!
Honda CRF 450 DTX BIKE. and while he's a good rider, ANY current AMA pro flat tracker could do that and most likely smoke him in a race. Was cool watching him lay it on the cases and pick it Back up
ok, hitting the gas again. Possibly NSFW but oh so darn good.
I like T/A as much as the next guy but I just don't find that appealing, I guess relating it to you know who seems to taint it just a bit.