mike ? huh ? Okay Barbie Ill play along :up: Last ccs race was againt Kern ....Beat him too Sorry you closet fags cant knock my results......... dsapsis buddy , I'm not stalking you .you need to stalk a riding coach or sell all your shit . maybe lead your buddies around on your hot pink sv next gay track day If this was an english / Grammar forum you've got me covered .:up: At last glance this was a Racing forum that has turned into a select few fags that dont race or ride that enjoy doing nothing but talk shit they cant back . Dipstick you cant ride or race pal get over it. verified correct?? As a matter of fact most of the professors here cant either, your amongst your fellow sorry excuses for racers enjoy ...:
I took a break to finish my degree. Can't afford both. And even If I could your piece of shit fat promoting care bear organization wouldn't see another dime from me. And how are you going to make fun of Jim for a picture full of trophies? Pissed you don't have one to match? Jealous much?........No....I know what it is........TOO FUCKING SLOW......Combined with the fact you're a no talent ass clown. Keep Slurping down those shakes from Mango armchair racer army!
The sad part is you are too stupid to even be a good troll. I hope the degree wasn't in communication.... If you added some new material you may be able to keep it a bit fresher.
really.....that's the sad part? That's it? That's the best you could pull out of that fail bag of tricks? You came outa left field with a home run on that one....
Yeah, that's what I thought. It needs more cow bell to be a real Mot Po. How 'bout this one: 1:22.78 Yeah it takes a while to set up all this shit for a picture, but its worth it cuz I'm fuckin AWESMOME! or AND AND AND I got this un whin I beat N8
There are many reasons to race. Lining up trophies and bragging about how great you are are being the poorest. Ask any competitor. Can anyone picture Josh Hayes doing something like this? Ever? Or any other successful pro rider? There are champions and there is pure trash. Fast trash is still trash. We can all tell the difference, but this guy just needs to prove it over and over. Now its your turn to tell me how bad I suck compared to you. Go:
there is a bike in the pic with white plates.That said,if they were all collected as a novice,I would think that would be more embarassing then something to brag about
What an idiot........Wera is no where near "pro status" and if Josh Hayes did something like that on his own dime at 50 years old against people younger and in much better shape and not on drugs im pretty sure he would have a good reason to brag. You're seriously saying someone shouldn't be proud of all their accomplishments?! What the hell kind of failed logic is that? "Got all these trophies but im just gonna throw them in the attic so that bawkwards retard bitchcakes thinks better of me" (though they belong at the bottom of a toilet since they have WERA on them) .......HAHHAAH what a stupid idiot. And you suck. and Fast trash still puts your trash talent to shame. crying from the bottom of the pile.......now that takes something special......and gay. fag