Theres a fine line between a cool dude and a stupid gay fat forum police nazi in dire need of an ass bruising and you sir ran waaaaaaaay past that line a long time ago with all those breast milk shakes you run around with. I can see ditz face covered in the "wera" cream now. As far as matt goes being fast in expert? Are you Fukin kidding me?! I lapped him as a novice at RRR when he had them fancy white plates. So all you dudes crying that he's back in the yellow where he belongs are SLOOOOOOOOW anyway. But hey this is the 13x carebear forum so I guess no one should expect any less from the national racer autism society. Rock on fags
well now that this has degenerated into some kinda twisted roast... If it says off road only you can keep that Austrian cammed thumper with a scratched wheel because somebody forgot to check the chain I require a street legal, under 300 pound motorcycle that I can ride to GSU for the next two years of grad school. Then I can regale everyone with the story of how I won a mid-central title all because some legatious chicken farmer stalled out on hot pit lane. Then I can legitimately return as a novice and remind everyone that there actually was someone slower than Dits
Finally figured it out huh? Gotta love an idtio, they're so much fun to watch play like they're real people
Man... where did all the stupid come from? What's with all the venom today? (the douche bags... not you, venom)
yeah its took a whole 2 minutes to figure out you still couldnt handle the full wrath of SURFINGRAPESMANGOSFATFACE.........pussy
How many posts did you make under the other name before you wised up anyway? Well, wised up being relative Poor little troll. So much better than all of us yet for some reason still can't avoid coming to this website. The internet is awfully small I guess. Makes us hard to avoid.