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neighbors and parking, effin rant!

Discussion in 'General' started by joec, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. joec

    joec brace yourself

    um....youre incorrect about some of that.

    first, the discussions were that i would avoid parking in front of their house when possible. that was 11 months ago. that was the last time i parked there. chec the op date.

    2nd, i do not have a "collection" of cars. i own one vehicle. that vehicle is registered and i drive it every single day. this complaint revolves around one legally registered, insured, and driven vehicle. there are other occupants of my house, that own cars as well. (not junk) they, and that, have nothing to do with me. my collection of one car seems to only cause trouble with one neighbor. and obviously even once or twice in a 12 month period is too much.

    c.) last i checked, harassment was illegal. these people are harassing me. i have not touched their property, i have not been on their property except to have a prompted discussion with them, 11 months ago, and i have no reason to be on their property. as such, they should not be touching my property. i expect them to keep their notes off of my car as they have no grounds for leaving them. they have no reason to be contacting me. and i expect them to leave me alone unless there is a legitimate reason for contacting me. if this is an issue of my vehicle being illegal for any reason, they should call the police.

    4, as well, last time i checked, parking on the street was still legal.

    her note, reads this way
    "i pay the mortgage at (omitted). do not park in front of my house anymore. please!!!!"

    she may pay the mortgage but by the same token, im not parking on her lawn.

    i wont be tampering with vehicles. i also wont be having another conversation with them.
  2. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    friends with anyone else in the neighbourhood?

    have someone park a random car there, see if they get a note.
  3. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Are you related to everyone in your house in this single family neighborhood?
  4. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Yea...so how is what other people do/drive/park have nothing to do with you? I guess its a multifamily home? That changes a lot of things. And I guess if the last time you parked there was 11 mos ago then that changes things too. Doesn't sound like the lady is harassing you though. lol As you said two points of contact in 11 mos.... that's hardly harassment.

    WTF is this even a thread on this forum anyway... I guess that's the real problem... Then you get assholes like me explaining scenarios that have little relevance.

    Fuck it...sue her. That's the American way. Then buy her house and park your crap all over it.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  5. joec

    joec brace yourself

    meh...ill see what materializes tomorrow. i also left a message with my attorney. what he tells me to do is what i will do.

    im pretty much over it.

    i tried being diplomatic. i tried ignoring. i tried talking. i guess all i can do now is try to make them leave me alone. i know this much, as it stands right now, if i have to park there again in 11 months...i probably will. because im right. and they are wrong.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  6. joec

    joec brace yourself

    no...and this is not exclusively a single family neighborhood.
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    You own or rent?
  8. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    Reading shit like this makes me feel like I'm at work.
  9. joec

    joec brace yourself

    rent, used to own 3 blocks away. im in the 600s, owned in the 900s
  10. joec

    joec brace yourself

    i'll also add, i grew up in this neighborhood. my family home is less than 2 blocks from here. we moved to this neighborhood in 1974. i went to the local elementary school, the jr high, and the highschool. i know the neighborhood pretty well. many people know me. and i do a fair bit of work here too. im 43 years old. so, i know how the world works. i know whats acceptable, i know whats legal, and i know what is expected of people socially.
  11. joec

    joec brace yourself

    i havn't beaten my wife though. and i'm not high on meth. :D

    whats your take on it. if someone called....what would you're professional position be.
  12. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    And yet you think 2 notes left on your car in 11 months is harassment and you call a lawyer?

    I don't think you know how the world works. I don't think you know what's acceptable. I don't think you know what's legal. And I don't think you have any idea what is expected of people socially.
  13. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    I haven't read through the entire thread but it's pretty much a non-criminal disagreement between neighbors. I'd probably get you two together and try to work out a solution. Why don't you knock on her door and work it out?
  14. joec

    joec brace yourself

    did that. thought it was taken care of. 11 mos ago. last time this happened. i thought i was being pretty cool about it. i told him id avoid parking there when i could, (which i had always done in the past) but my understanding is first come first served. he seemed cool. thought all was ok. 11 months i was able to park almost in front of my house, or next to it. not near them. then the first time after...i get another note from her.
  15. Sideshow

    Sideshow Free reach around expert.

    Because he would rather complain behind the safety of his house and call a lawyer. Sad the woman has enough sense to write her complaints , but OP hides from her.

    Why not park in your yard. You may own one car , but you and all your guests are the problem. I would park in my own yard before I would be rude like that.

    Then again park in front of my house . I won't hurt your car , but I would lean on it daily :)
  16. joec

    joec brace yourself

    time to move on.

    isnt there a bulldog on a trampoline to watch or something?
  17. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    Just ignore the notes. Take them off your windshield and save them. Her notes may help you if the situation escalates and something happens. Don't get into a pissing match. It's just a waste of time.
  18. rzracer482

    rzracer482 New Member

    First post,long time racer,long time lurker.You dudes are full of info. and entertainment.
    Joe, maybe it is obvious to you now ,why I did not hire you.You're head is too large for your helmet.
    I remember you telling me what a great person you were,pffft!!!
    Grow up, before it is too late.
    You make Baltimore look worse than it is,if that is even possible.
    Grow a set!!!
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    F@ck that.

    I'd have a talk with the local precinct and have *them* go have a talk with her. Explain to her the "social expectations" of public streets, and tell her to kindly f@ck herself to death with a Cuisinart if she ever thinks she's entitled to leave nasty notes on vehicles legally parked on a public way ever again.
  20. MasterBlaster

    MasterBlaster Radical Freedom Fighter

    What kind of neighborhoods do you guys live in? People will actually park IN your yard? Like in the grass? That's nuts!

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