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Mushroom coffee

Discussion in 'General' started by Steeltoe, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    What's my move?
  2. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    Anything you like, so long as you stay within 10’ of a bathroom…
  3. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Send it back and get a regular coffee.
    BigBird likes this.
  4. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Gal at work let me try some and I liked it and I didn't spew out either end. Didn't see purple elephants either.
    The Todd likes this.
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Then whats the point?
    The Todd, Senna, SundaySocial and 7 others like this.
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    What Rick said.
  7. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    She lied.
  8. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    A friend told me Kool-Aid was the go to for mushrooms. Coffee will probably work though. You'll be wide awake to enjoy the colors and all.
    The Todd likes this.
  9. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Way better in fruit smoothie Gili shakes
  10. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

    Most likely it was lions mane and cordyceps. Non hallucinogenics, they are meant to help brain function. Enjoy. Nothing wrong with them, except, it isn't real coffee. :D
  11. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    Tried mud:wtr first, was ok. Mostly mycelium. Now on “everyday dose” with better ingredients.
    add some cocoa powder on my end. Taste is … ok

    If i drink it instead of my daily 3-4 espressi, i have less jitters / brain fog and more focus

    but damn i love real coffee
    Steeltoe and ToofPic like this.
  12. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Its the very best coffee out there!! I drink it daily,and so do the wimmernz in my office. We only deal in food and beverages, but you do you! The taste is phenomenal! Doze is the go to!! We got it for free, and its the shit! Try it,and let me know!
    Steeltoe likes this.
  13. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Run from the dirty, smelly skank trying to get you to drink it.

    Trust me...:cool:
    nigel smith likes this.
  14. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    Nasty as shit…..
  15. iagsxr

    iagsxr Well-Known Member

    Can anyone recommend a gummie or any other mode of delivery?

    I'm not a coffee guy.
  16. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    The coffee with mushrooms from Laird is good stuff. I say give it a go.
    ToofPic likes this.
  17. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    WTF yall drankn? names?!! Every day Dose.. try it
    Steeltoe and Phl218 like this.
  18. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Do you want a Gummie>? Or a California Gummie?
  19. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Or maybe a gummer?
    ToofPic and dtalbott like this.
  20. ton

    ton Arf!

    It’s not mushroom coffee. It’s mushroom beverage coffee substitute. Which is kinda like mushroom based meat substitute.

    I don’t understand why you’d want to cheat on the dark mistress, but you do you.

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