Gal at work let me try some and I liked it and I didn't spew out either end. Didn't see purple elephants either.
A friend told me Kool-Aid was the go to for mushrooms. Coffee will probably work though. You'll be wide awake to enjoy the colors and all.
Most likely it was lions mane and cordyceps. Non hallucinogenics, they are meant to help brain function. Enjoy. Nothing wrong with them, except, it isn't real coffee.
Tried mud:wtr first, was ok. Mostly mycelium. Now on “everyday dose” with better ingredients. add some cocoa powder on my end. Taste is … ok If i drink it instead of my daily 3-4 espressi, i have less jitters / brain fog and more focus but damn i love real coffee
Its the very best coffee out there!! I drink it daily,and so do the wimmernz in my office. We only deal in food and beverages, but you do you! The taste is phenomenal! Doze is the go to!! We got it for free, and its the shit! Try it,and let me know!
It’s not mushroom coffee. It’s mushroom beverage coffee substitute. Which is kinda like mushroom based meat substitute. I don’t understand why you’d want to cheat on the dark mistress, but you do you.