I have an R6 streetbike, ZX6R track bike, Custom 9' chopper, YZF450 quad, along with three smaller quads and three dirtbikes that I have for my nephews. BEing that I have all these, when I work on them I usually use a rolling seat to move around. I have been shopping for a lift to put in my shop and came across a couple of decent ones. My problem is the chopper...at 9 feet, I need the lift to be long. Here is one with an extended ramp, I am just not sure if the ramp can be locked in place. What do you guys have or use?? This works for bikes and quads...just not sure if the ramp can be locked in place to use the added length. http://www.directlift.com/ProCycle-XLT-DT-P59C15.aspx http://www.directlift.com/MotorcycleATV-Lifts-C15.aspx
most pros hate the direct lifts cause of the diamond plate. If you dont mind... they are a good deal for the shadetree. Ive been relatively vigilant about trying to pickup an extra Handy lift...and Ill be damned if people arent paying 20%++ for used over what a new one costs!
Exactly. I have a Handy and see them all the time on Craigslist from 250 to 400. I wouldn't cheap out on a lift, I value my bikes.
I have a titan 1500, and love it so far. No problems, and it has the front extension and side extensions. I think it was $899 if I remember right. and it lifts pretty high compared to some of the others
I purchased a Handy "home use lift" about 5 years ago. The dealer was at a motorcycle show and it cost me about $600 a the time. I think they are called Handy Air Lifts now Handy Air Lift It is a semi-watered down version of the 1500. It is designed for the home user that is not going to raise and lower the lift 40 times a day, every day, and has a max capacity of 1000lbs vice 1500lbs on the pro model. I know friends that have the Harbor Freight Models and I am so glad I bought the Handy lift. Probably the best money I have spent.
I have a direct lift I use almost everyday. It works just as good as the Handy. The only complaint would be the faux diamond design. Kind of sucks when putting rear stands on....That's the only complaint. I use it for sport bikes to Harley's and it works great.
At work Handy, at home Pro lift. Both have features that I like. Never been sorry I bought the Pro lift.
I have the same type as a Handy.... I can get them to you for about $600 with a vise before shipping... NEW. Having used both the Handy(AKA Pace Tools Lift) is much more stable... Also no foot pumping... Just hit the pedal and up and down it goes...
Handy lift here. Works great, paid $375. When I see their rep at the bike show, I mention my lift cause it's got the air bag instead of the air cylinder. I guess they got rid of the air bag style along time ago.
Two years ago, before I became a member of this list with all it's great advice, I bought one of these $429 lifts from Harbor Freight. My neighbor has a $4200 Snapon lift. Wasn't going to get one of those. Mine has worked fine for two years. I like the air or foot operation deal. In fact I hardly ever use the air connection and just pump it up with my foot. It's light enough to take with me in the toyhauler (only did this once and it's over kill). The only problem I can see would be putting an ATV on it. I have a Grizzly 4wheeler and I won't put it on.
Yes they are out there. Bought mine with the vise and the side extensions. I love mine great for working and storing the bike. Always make sure the kickstand is up before rolling a bike on the lift. If not bad things will happen...
I got the HF 1500 lb air lift. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94813 I got a 3 year warrantee, with it on sale for under $400. Had it for 2 years and worth every penny. Don't get me wrong I would get the Handy if I had the money. But now I have a wife and a couple of kids.
Thanks for all the info thus far. I have been searching and checking as well as researching everyone's recommendations. My problem is I want something that will fit quads, dirtbikes, street bike, race bike and my chopper (pics attached). The big concern is the chopper and the quads. I have a decent budget for this, but obviously don't want to go crazy since I will not be using it too much. It would also be great to find a place local to Dallas/Austin where I could see one in person. I will be home soon and will be traveling around TX doing track days, so finding something soon would be great.